"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hux

ciok'hux | enjoin on; charge; prescribe | 囑咐
hux Cionghux | give the last Sacraments (Catholic) | 傅終傅
hux chiapafng | rush to catch bus; train | 趕車; 赴車班
hux hiexnkym | pay cash | 付現; 付現金
hux hoeiuu | put in the mail | 付回郵
hux jii putjiin | rich but inhuman towards others | 富而無仁
hux | to pay; attach; enclose with; attend; take up a post; on time; assistant; associate; vice; duplicate; second copy; a set of | 付; 附; 赴; 副; 負; 富
hux-bøtiøh | miss the time | 沒趕上
hux-cy-itchiaux | laugh it off | 付之一笑
hux-cy-itku | reduce to ashes; to burn | 付之一炬
hux-extiøh | able to make it | 赴能著; 來得及
hux-kaosiu | an associate professor, an assistant professor | 副教授
hux-lefngsu | vice consul | 副領袖; 副領事
hux-piencip | associate editor | 副編輯
hux-poxtviuo | vice minister | 副部長
hux-pwntngg-sinhu | curate | 副本堂神父
hux-zofnglie | vice premier | 副總理
hux-zofngthorng | vice president | 副總統
hux-zok'viu | a deleterious effect, a side effect | 副作樣
hux-zwsek | vice chairman | 副主席
hux-øextiøh | just in time | 來得及; 趕得上
høhux | powerful and wealthy; millionaires | 豪富
it'hux | one (picture) hux is a measure word for picture | 一副
khip'hux | adsorption; sorb | 吸附
kiap'hux zoxpiin | plunder the rich and help the poor (like Robin Hood) | 劫富助貧
kiap'hux-zoxpiin | rob the wealth to help the poor | 劫富助貧
kip'hux | give; pay | 給付
thok'hux | request to bear responsibility | 託負; 託付
zoanlek ie hux | spare no efforts | 全力以赴

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