"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Poeatøhwn | Ludwig von Beethoven (1770-1827); German composer | 貝多芬
bafng'ar-hwn | mosquito-repellent incense | 蚊仔燻; 蠓仔薰; 蚊香
bizek'hwn | calculus; math | 微積分
bøhwn opeh | impetuous; rash; without forethought; without distinction of right and wrong | 無分黑白; 無分青紅皂白
cibthoaan kiet'hwn | mass wedding | 集團結婚
cie pag uii hwn | fingertips for marriage | 指腹為婚
cit'hwn | this minute, this point on score | 這分
ciøhwn | proposing a marriage | 招婚
cypag-ui-hwn | to bring about an marriage agreement at the pregnancies | 指腹為婚
hietzok kiet'hwn | consanguineous marriage | 血族結婚
hwn bøexzhud serngpai | unable to decide who won | 分無出勝敗
hwn bøexzhud | cannot distinguish or discriminate | 分無出
hwn ciaqtiaau | enslaved to cigarettes; unable to give up smoking | 食條; 煙抽上癮
hwn høfphvae | differentiate between good and evil | 分好歹
hwn kuiecien | distinguish between prominent and humble people | 分貴賤
hwn sioxngha | distinguish high from low | 分上下
hwn tofngphaix | divide into parties or factions | 分黨派
hwn | 0.1 [[zhuxn]]; 0.303 cm (length); (weight) 0.01 [[niuo]]; 0.1 [[cvii]]; 0.375 g; minutes; divide; distribute; divide; part; share; distribute; distinguish; to separate; adopt (a child) | 分; 薰; 昏; 熏; 煙; 惛; 紛; 婚; 燻; 吩; 酚; 葷; 氛
hwn'aang | pink color | 粉紅; 粉紅色; 淡紅
hwn'ab'ar | compact | 粉盒仔; 粉鏡盒
hwn'ang'afseg | pink color | 粉紅仔色; 淡紅
hwn'ap | compact | 粉盒
hwn'giøo | clam | 粉蟯
hwn'iux | silky powder | 粉幼; 細粉
hwn-ciuo | tobacco and wine | 薰酒
kiet'hwn | marriage; to get married; wedding | 結婚
kiet'hwn-seg | wedding ceremony | 結婚式; 結婚儀式
kiet'hwn-tiefnlea | wedding; nuptials | 結婚典禮; 結婚式
kiet'hwn-zerngsw | certificate of marriage | 結婚證書
kixnchyn-kiet'hwn | intermarriage | 近親結婚
kongzexng kiet'hwn | marriage legalized by a notary only | 公證結婚
kongzexng-kiet'hwn | married by a justice of the peace | 公證結婚
loan'aix kiet'hwn | love match; love marriage | 戀愛結婚
muy'hwn | every minute | 每分
opeh-put'hwn | no black no white | 黑白無分
opeqput'hwn | who's fault is not clear | 黑白無分
pek'hwn | force somebody to marry | 迫婚
piebit kiet'hwn | secret wedding; clandestine marriage | 秘密結婚
pok'hwn | to smoke a cigarette; smoke | 抽煙; 吸煙
put'hwn serngpai | toss up (battle or game); a draw (athletics) | 無分勝敗
put'hwn sioxngha | about the same (in strength; quality); equal | 無分上下
tit'hwn | scoring; the points (marks) obtained; the score; the runs scored | 得分
zek'hwn | total marks; integral calculus | 積分
zhaohøea-hwn | smoking and burnt order | 臭火燻; 臭火薰; 燒焦味

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