"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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borng iøf | feed for now | 罔育
chiuo zhah'iøf | put one's hands on the hip joints; arms akimbo | 手插腰
ha'iøf | tie the waist | 圍腰; 以帶綁纏腰上
iøf gyn'ar | nurse a child | 養育孩仔
iøf sngf poe thviax | sore waist and aching back | 腰酸背痛
iøf | waist; loins; hips; haunch | 腰; 育; 撫育; 養育
kawkang'iøf | hulk (a handsome strong well-developed man) | 狗公腰; 健壯公狗之腰; 形容健美男人
khut'iøf | stoop | 屈腰; 蝦腰; 彎腰
lap'iøf | body with an indented center (like a guitar) | 凹腰
limsilim'iøf | temporary | 臨時臨么
nah'iøf | body with an indented center (like a guitar) | 凹腰
oai'iøf | fatigue; tired or exhausted | 歪腰
oan'iøf | to stoop, to bend down | 彎腰
sngx iøf | tighten the waist | 繏腰
so'iøf | stooped (posture) | 疏腰; 酥腰; 彎腰
sok'iøf | wasp-waisted; tighten one's waist with a band so that it appears slender; a slender waist | 束腰
svoa'iøf | path along the ledge halfway up a mountain; mid-slope of a mountain | 山腰
søea'iøf | tiny waist | 細腰
tao'iøf | assist in raising a child | 鬥養; 幫忙帶孩子
tefng'iøf | the part of the body above the waist | 上腰
therng'iøf | to support, to back up | 挺腰; 撐腰; 支持
ti'iøf | pig's kidneys | 豬油; 豬腰
ui'iøf | encircle the waist | 圍腰
zhah'iøf | put hands at waist; put the hands on the hips | 插腰; 叉腰; 雙手插腰
zhun'iøf | to stretch oneself | 伸腰

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