"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Serngtaxn zeng'ia | Christmas Eve | 聖誕夜; 聖誕前夜
arm'ia | dark night | 暗夜
beng'ia | bright night; brilliant night; shining night | 明夜
chim'ia | midnight; all hours; in the dead of night | 深夜
cien'ia | night before last | 前夜
ciong'ia | whole night | 終夜
hoaciog-cy-ia | the wedding night | 花燭之夜
hoaciog-ia | the wedding night | 花燭夜
hoaciok'ia | the wedding night | 花燭夜
hun'ia | dusky night | 昏夜
ia ng'ar | sowing rice seeds | 掖秧仔
ia zefngcie | to sow seed | 撒種子
ia zhekzerng | to plant rice seed | 撒粟種; 播稻種
ia | night or evening; to scatter; to sprinkle; night; dark; darkness | 夜; 掖; 散發; 也; 散播; 撒
ia'iuu | coconut oil | 椰油
it'ia | one night | 一夜
jit toarn ia tioong | short days and long nights | 日短夜長
kierngi put'uii bu'iorng ia | see an opportunity for doing right and fail to do it is cowardice | 見義無為無勇也
kim'ia | tonight; tonight | 今夜
koea'ia | pass the night | 過夜
lien'ia | all through the night | 連夜
liong'ia | beautiful night; clear night, a pleasant evening | 良夜
mi'ia | midnight | 暝夜
o'ia | dark night | 黑夜; 烏夜
poarn'ia | midnight | 半夜
siau'ia | refreshment (food) before sleep; a snack before going to bed; midnight snack | 宵夜
siok'ia | all night long | 夙夜
sit-seg sexng ia | The desire for food and sex is part of human nature | 食色性也
siw'ia | keep a night-watch, keep a vigil | 守夜
sun'ia | make nightly patrols; night watch | 巡夜
thiet'ia | all through the night | 撤夜; 徹夜
thong'ia | all night long | 通夜; 整夜
tiuo'ia penghwn | equinox | 晝夜平分
tiuo'ia putseg | never ceasing; day nor night; (to work) day and night without rest or stop | 晝夜無息
tiuo'ia | day and night | 晝夜
toxngpoong hoaciok'ia | wedding night; the first night | 洞房花燭夜
w'ia | raining night | 雨夜
zefng'ia | the whole night | 整夜
zeng'ia | eve; night before last | 前夜
zho'ia | the first night on marriage | 初夜
zw'ia | midnight | 子夜

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