"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: iah

baxng'iah | web paes | 網頁
biefn'iah | exempt from military service; exempt from conscription | 免役
chiah'iah | fidgety | 刺疫; 煩躁; 燥癢; 身上無舒
ciern'iah | a military campaign, a battle | 戰役
cit'iah | this page | 這頁
ge'iah | military guard | 衙役
hiexn'iah | active military | 現役
hiexn'iah-kunjiin | military personnel in active service | 現役軍人
hog'iah | to be on active duty; undergo hard labor | 服役
hok lø'iah | do society service or work as a form of punishment for a crime | 服勞役
hok peng'iah | undergo military training; do military service | 服兵役
honghai peng'iah | draft dodging; undermine the draft law of a nation | 妨害兵役
iah | a page; also (similar to ia) | 頁; 蝶; 役; 驛; 亦
iu'iah | healthy and prosperous | 優役; 心寬體胖
ka'iah | prosperous; thriving (one's business) | 繁榮; 交易; 興隆
khu'iah | (in law) forced labor service under detention imposed on an offender for not more than 60 days | 拘役
kun'iah | military servant; to work on official duties in military | 軍役
lak'iah | sifx pages | 六頁
lao'iah | missing page | 漏頁
lo'iah | to enslave | 奴役
lø'iah | labor service | 勞役
muy'iah | every page | 每頁
peng'iah | military service | 兵役
phang'iah | bee and butterfly | 蜂蝶
pog'iah | servant in general | 僕役
tag'iah | every page | 逐頁
zab'iah | chores | 雜役
zefng'iah | a full page | 整頁
zeng'iah | front station | 前驛

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