"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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ang'iam | gorgeously red | 紅艷
baxnsexng bongtng'iam | chronic appendicitis | 慢性盲腸炎
bongtng'iam | appendicitis | 盲腸炎
bongtngg-iam | appendicitis | 盲腸炎
hengmoh-iam | pleurisy | 胸膜炎
hie'iam | pneumonia | 肺炎
hiemoh-iam | pleurisy | 肺膜炎
hoat'iam | to become infected; inflammation; become inflamed like an eye or a tooth | 發炎
hogmoh-iam | peritonitis | 腹膜炎
hokmoh-iam | peritonitis | 腹膜炎
huie'iam | pneumonia | 肺炎
iam | inflammation | 燄; 炎; 焰
iam'arng'ar | salt urn | 鹽甕仔
iam'oo | salt lake | 鹽湖
iau'iam | pretty and flirtatious; seductive charms; seductive; (with) heavy make-up; meretricious | 妖豔
iaxm'iam | beautiful, gorgeous (flower), brilliant, shiny (gold, diamond), flaming (fire) | 炎炎; 艷; 豔豔
imtø-iam | vaginitis | 陰道炎
iøchiøq-iam | pancreatitis | 腰觸炎; 腰尺炎
jiøxtø-iam | urethritis | 尿道炎
khie'iam | bluster, overweening arrogance | 氣炎
khiekngfcy-iam | bronchitis | 氣管之炎; 氣管支炎
kiau'iam | beautiful; gorgeous | 嬌豔
kiettng'iam | colitis | 結腸炎
kng'iam | bright-colored; gally-colored | 光艷; 鮮艷
kng'iaxm'iam | bright and dazzling | 光炎炎
koancied-iam | arthritis, rheumatism | 關節炎
koanciet'iam | arthritis | 關節炎
koanzad-iam | arthritis | 關節炎
koanzat'iam | arthritis | 關節炎
kut'iam | osteities | 骨炎
kvoa'iam | hepatitis, inflammation of the liver | 肝炎
motng'iam | appendicitis | 盲腸炎
na'aau-iam | laryngitis | 嚨喉炎
naw'iam | cerebro-spinal meningitis | 腦炎
nawmoh-iam | meningitis | 腦膜炎
phoehu'iam | dermatitis | 皮膚炎
phvixto-iam | nasosinusitis, sinusitis | 鼻竇炎
pizoxng'iam | inflammation of the spleen | 脾臟炎
pongkofng-iam | cystitis | 膀胱炎
pongkong'iam | inflammation of the bladder; cystitis | 膀胱炎
pvythøsvoax-iam | tonsillitis | 扁桃腺炎
siau'iam | reduce or eliminate inflammation | 消炎
sien'iam | bright | 鮮豔
sixnzoxng'iam | inflammation of the kidneys; nephritis | 腎臟炎
tvaflong'iam | cholelithiasis; cholecystitis; inflammation of the gallbladder | 膽囊炎
tvafloong-iam | have cholecystitis, have inflammation of the | 膽囊炎
uixtng'iam | gastroenteritis | 胃腸炎
uixtngg-iam | inflammation of stomach and intestine | 胃腸炎
zwkiofng hoat'iam | uterine infection | 子宮發炎

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