"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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am'afm-iap'iab | secretly; try to cover up; hide | 鞍鞍掩掩
chiuo iap'au | cross the hands behind the back; hand(s) behind the back | 手揜後; 手藏在背後
hie'iap | lobes of the lungs | 肺葉
hoe'iap | petals of flowers | 花瓣
hog'iap | a compound leaf | 復葉; 複葉
hong'iap | red leaves; maple leaf | 紅葉
iap lok kuy kyn | The leaves fall and return to the roots--everything reverts to its original source | 葉落歸根
iap lok ty chiw | When the leaves fall we know that autumn is here--from what you see you can guess the rest | 葉落知秋
iap | leaf; a petal (of a flower); period; era or epoch | 葉; 瓣
iap'au | with one's hands behind the back | 掩後; 手藏在背後
iap'ay | hidden sorrow | 隱憂
iap'iab | to hold something back, hiding something, hiding oneself | 隱隱; 手藏在背後
it'iap-tichiw | any sign foretelling things to come; harbinger of the future (Lit. A single falling leaf tells of the oncoming autumn.) | 一葉知秋
liog'iap | green leaves | 綠葉
ng'ng'iap'iab | furtively, stealthily, surreptitiously (to do something in this manner) | 掩掩揜揜
ng'ngf iap'iab | furtively; stealthily; surreptitiously (to do something in this manner) | 掩掩揜揜; 偷偷摸摸
pag'iap'au | hands tied behind the back | 綁隱後
pah'iap | one hundred leaves | 百葉
pah'iap-thafng | venetian blind | 百葉窗
tiong'iap | the middle period; the middle decades of a century | 中葉
zuychia'iap | vanes (leaves) of a water wheel | 水車葉

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