"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bø'iaux bøkirn | let it go; it doesn't matter; pay no attention; not be concerned | 無要無緊; 無重視; 不放在心上
bøo su'iaux | unnecessary, no need | 無需要
bøo-su'iaux | unnecessary, no need | 無需要
chiet'iaux | critical; crucial | 切要; 迫切需要; 緊要
chiong'iaux | rush to | 衝要
cip'iaux | outline; a summary; bring together the important items | 輯要
cy'iaux | only, provided | 只要
hiafm'iaux | strategic place able to be easily defended; dangerous yet important | 險要
iaux | necessary; important; essential; must; ought to; summarize; generalization; synopsis; will; shall | 要
kafn'iaux | brief and to the point | 簡要
kang'iaux | outline; essential points | 綱要
khae'iaux | outline; summary; epitome; gist | 概要
ki'iaux | confidential and important (matters) | 機要
ki'iaux-piesw | confidential secretary | 機要秘書
kip'iaux | to need urgently; urgent | 急要
koan'iaux | bigwigs; topdogs; powerful persons; confidential | 權要; 關?; 關鍵
kong'iaux | essential points; summary; outline | 綱要
kyn'iaux | important; urgent; critical | 緊要; 要緊
kyn'iaux-koanthaau | critical moment | 緊要關頭
leg'iaux | a summary, briefly | 簡要; 略要
paxng bøiaux-bøkirn | Let it go as if of no importance; give no notice to something; to disregard; treat a matter as of no consequence | 漠無關心
pekchied su'iaux | urgent need | 迫切需要
phien'iaux | to be bent on, to insist on | 編要; 偏要
pit'iaux | necessary; essential; need; requirement | 必要
pit'iaux-sexng | inevitability | 必要性
pit'iaux-sii | if necessary, in time of need, in case of necessity | 必要時
pit'iaux-tiaukvia | a prerequisite | 必要條件
put'iaux | don't want to | 無要
put'pit'iaux | unnecessary | 無必要; 不必要
put'tioxng'iaux | unimportant, of no consequence | 無中要; 不重要
siw'iaux | greatest importance, importance of top priority | 首要
su'iaux | necessity; be in demand | 需要
tek'iaux | to abstract, to abridge, a summary, a digest, an abstract | 得要; 摘要
the'iaux | a summary | 提要
tiah'iaux | epitomize, abbreviate, epitome, abbreviated form | 摘要
tioxng'iaux jinbut | important man; important figure | 重要人物
tioxng'iaux siky | critical juncture | 重要時機
tioxng'iaux sului | important documents | 重要書類
tioxng'iaux suxhang | important matter | 重要事項
tioxng'iaux | important; principal; essential | 重要
tioxng'iaux-buxntøee | important question; weighty matter | 重要問題
ui'iaux | It's very important that you do what I have told you (a conventional phrase for closing a formal letter of injunction) | 為要
zeng'iaux | essentials; fundamentals | 精要
zerng'iaux | high-ranking government officials; main structure and policy of government | 政要
zhoat'iaux | summary | 概括; 摘要
zhu'iaux | center of administration | 樞要
zhuo'iaux | secondary, of secondary importance | 次要
zw'iaux | most important, principal, essential | 主要

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