Lefpae'id | Monday | 禮拜一
Pae'id | Monday | 拜一; 週一
Sengki'id | Monday | 星期一
aezeeng zoan'id | steadfast in love; constant in love | 愛情專一
an'id | comfortable | 安逸
baxn'id | if by any chance; by any possibility; in case of; eventuality; if perchance; by any chance; should there be | 萬一
cidpaq khorng'id | 101 | 一百空一
ciong'id jii ciofng | be faithful to one husband all her life even after she is divorced or in widowhood | 從一而終
ciorngsoad put'id | there are many different versions of a story | 眾說無一
cip'id | stick up; stand to; persist in | 執一
hab'id | unite; become one | 合一
habjii ui'id | joins together as one | 合而為一
hunhwn put'id | all in confusion and not agreeing in opinion | 紛紛無一
i'id | only one; the only kind | 唯一
id buu sor hek | achieve or gain nothing (after all the efforts made) | 一無所獲
id buu sor teg | nothing is gained | 一無所得
id buu sor tioong | do not have a single skill or talent | 一無所長
id putzøx ji put'hiw | do something by hook or by crook; not to stop half way once a thing is started | 一無做二不休
id | one; one; the second | 一; 壹; 乙
id-ciunii | first anniversary | 一周年
id`ji | one word | 一字
id`laai | first | 一來
id`tiøh | remember | 憶著
it'id | one by one; one by one; one and all | 一一
itliab'id | best | 最好的
ittefng'id | the best | 一等一
jiab'id | 21 | 廿一
jixzab'id | 21 (22, 23, ...29) very often chap is skipped as the following: ji-it, ji-ji, ji-sa*, ...ji-kau | 二十一 (二, 三, ...二十九)
kak'id | eleven cents | 角一; 一角一分
kui'id | back to one | 歸一
liab'id | best | 廿一
nngxhwn-cy-id | half | 二分之一
oe'id | unique; the only | 唯一
pah'id | hundread and ten | 百一
put'id | phrase used at the end of letters indicating that many things have been left unsaid; not a few; unlike; varied | 無一; 不一
putciap'id | intermittent; off and on; successive | 無接一; 斷斷續續
sat'id kerngpeg | kill one as a warning for a hundred | 殺一警百
siap'id | forty-one | 四十一
siehwn-cy-id | quarter; one-fourth | 四分之一
svahwn-cy-id | one third | 三分之一
syciofng ju'id | same from beginning to end ─ consistent | 始終如一
sym khao juu id | The mouth agrees with the mind (literally) ─ to speak one's mind frankly | 心口如一
tan'id | simple ─ not complex or compound | 單一
tan'id`ee | solitary | 單一的
texng'id | set one | 定一
thofng'id hoatphiøx | uniform invoice | 統一發票
thofng'id thienha | unify the whole country (world) | 統一天下
thofng'id uxntong | unity movement; uniform activity | 統一運動
thofng'id | to unify; uniform; unitary | 統一
tog'id buji | the one and only; unique | 獨一無二
tog'id cinsiin | the only true God | 獨一真神
tog'id | unique, the only one | 獨一
tøe-id cviw | first chapter | 第一章
tøe-id jit | the first day | 第一天
tøe-id pae | first time | 第一次
tøe-id | The first | 第一
ypi baxn'id | provide against any contingency | 以備萬一
zab'id | eleven | 十一
zab'id-gøeh | November | 十一月
zaizexng thofng'id | unity of financial administration | 財政統一
zengsiin thofng'id | concentration of mind | 精神統一
zerngkaux hab'id | unification of church and state | 政教合一
zheng'id | eleven hundred | 千一; 一千一百
zhøe'id | the first day of the month | 初一
zoan'id | devoted to one thing; specially; wholly; concentrate one's attention | 專一
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Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
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If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
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Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]