"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Puttek'ie`ee | last resort | 無得已的
anlog'ie | easy chair; rocking chair; easy chair | 安樂椅; 搖椅
ban-puttek'ie | be forced to do it; to have no alternative; the last resort | 萬不得已
baxnputtek'ie | extremely helpless | 萬不得已
bok ie seeng ciw | the deed is done (Lit. The wood is already made into a boat.) | 木已成舟
but ie hy uii kuix | A thing is valued if it is rare | 物以稀為貴
but ie lui zu | Birds of a feather flock together | 物以類聚
bøkee giaa kau'ie | look for trouble | 無枷抬交椅; 自找麻煩
cyzhuo-ji'ie | that's all | 只此而已
hak ie tieiong | study for the purpose of application | 學以致用
hiao ie taixgi | persuade someone to follow the right path by telling him what is right | 曉以大義
hø'ie | why | 何以
høie | how can be endured | 何以
ie putpiexn exng baxnpiexn | cope with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle or policy | 以不變應萬變
ie | lean upon; rely or depend upon; incline to; come near; join or attach one's self to | 倚; 椅; 依; 以; 靠; 近
ie'aix | desire; eagerness; to love (opposite sex) | 意愛; 喜愛
ie'ek | free translation | 意譯
ie'iok | to intend, to wish | 意慾; 意欲
ie-zw zhamkhør | assist further investigation | 以資參考
iø'ie | a rocking-chair | 搖椅; 搖椅,安樂椅
iøie | rocking-chair | 搖椅; 安樂椅
ji'ie | that is all; nothing more--gives finality to the clause | 而已
juzhuo-ji'ie | that's all | 只此而已
kau'ie | arm chair (Chinese style) | 交椅; 太師椅
khim'ie | piano chair | 琴椅
koan'ie | highchair | 高椅
lan'ie siongsixn | incredible; difficult to believe | 難以相信
lan'ie siongzhux | difficult to live or deal with | 難以相處
lan'ie | difficult to ~ | 難以
leng'ie | emperor's chair | 龍椅
liang'ie | summer chair | 涼椅
lun'ie | wheelchair | 輪椅
pafn'ie | bench | 板椅
pan'ie | bench, trestle | 板椅
pekputtit'ie | compelled | 逼不得已
phorng'ie | sofa | 凸床; 膨椅; 沙發; 沙發椅
phøe'ie | leather chair | 皮椅
pud ie uii jieen | come to a different conclusion; disagree | 無以為然
put'ie | ceaselessly; continuously | 不已
puttek'ie | no alternative, wish to or not, unavoidably | 不得已
sahoa'ie | sofa | 沙發椅
siak'ie-siaktøq | throw furniture around in anger | 摔桌摔椅
sox ie ban kex | by tens thousands; numerous | 數以萬計
su ie paixlo | story is out | 事已敗露
tah'ie-tahtøq | angrily bang on chairs and tables with hands | 踏椅踏桌; 拍桌椅
tek'ie | bamboo chair | 竹椅
the'ie | lounge; deck chair | 撐椅; 躺椅
tiexn'ie | electric chair | 電椅
tin'ie | cane chair; rattan chair | 藤椅
tøh'ie | table and chair | 桌椅
zeng ie zex tong | beat action by inaction | 靜以制動
zengputtek'ie | have no alternative | 情不得已
zoanlek ie hux | spare no efforts | 全力以赴
zu-ie-uii-si | opinionated | 自以為是
zø ie thai pe | waiting for death like troops in desperate condition or a hopelessly poor man | 坐以待斃

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