"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: iefn

chim'iefn | a gulf; deep canyon; abyss | 深淵
ciapsiok hviu'iefn | continue the family line | 接續香火
ho'iefn | hypopharynx | 呼嚥; 咽喉
hun'iefn | tobacco smoke; clouds and smog | 煙煙; 雲煙
hviu'iefn | smoke of buring incense | 香煙
iefn | smoke; smoky; tobacco; cigarettes | 煙; 鮪; 胭; 煙霧瀰漫的; 燻; 淵
iefn'ek | (Logic) deductive | 演繹
iefn'ge | appear on stage for a performance | 演藝
iefn'gi | offer for consideration, suggestion, to propose | 演義
iefn'oaan | actor or actress; player | 演員
iu'iefn | lamp soot; lampblack; greasy dirt produced from heating or cooking oil | 油煙
jin'iefn tiubit | crowded conditions; densely populated | 人煙稠密
jin'iefn zoadzeg | no trace of human habitation | 人煙絕跡
jin'iefn | human habitation | 人煙
kefng'iefn | choking with sobs | 哽咽; 梗咽
khaw'iefn | oropharynx | 口咽
khip'iefn | exhaust smoke; fumes | 吸煙
kirm'iefn | to prohibit opium; to prohibit cooking; smoke rising from the imperial palace | 禁煙
long'iefn | smoke from wolf dung burnt in beacons as a warning ─ smoke signals (arch) | 狼煙
luo-iefn'oaan | actress | 女演員
moe'iefn | soot; lampblack | 煤煙
mui'iefn | soot; lampblack | 煤煙
o'iefn | black smoke; lampblack | 黑煙
sin'iefn | fresh, new, novel and resplendent | 新嫣
siøiefn | smoke | 燒煙
thien'iefn cy piet | the difference is like the sky and the bottom of a pit | 天淵之別
thien'iefn | the sky and the bottom of a pit; see [[thien'iefn ee zengzhaf]] | 天淵
toaxmoa'iefn | marijuana | 大麻煙
tog'iefn | toxious fume, poisonous gas | 毒煙
zhao'iu'iefn | unpleasant oily smell | 臭油煙
zherng'iefn | give forth smoke | 冒煙
zhut'iefn | belch smoke | 冒煙
zuy'iefn | spray, water vapor | 水煙; 水氣

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