"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Pak'iog zocid | NATO | 北約組織
Sin'iog | New Testament (Bible) | 新約; (聖經)
arm'iog | secret agreement | 暗約; 密約
beng'iog | treaty of alliance; promise; a pledge; a covenant | 明約; 盟約
chiafm iog | sign contract | 簽約
chiam'iog | sign; conclude (treaty; contract) | 簽約
chiamtexng tiau'iog | sign a treaty | 簽訂條約
ciao'iog | in compliance with agreement | 照約; 依照約定
ciet'iog | thrift; go easy with; economize; cut corner; save; economize; use frugally | 節約
hab'iog | contract; agreement; to conclude a contract | 合約; 契約
heng'iog | do as agreed, keep a promise | 行約; 守信
hiab'iog | a trade treaty; alliance | 協約
hoea'iog | abrogate treaties; to call off a contract | 廢約; 合同中止
hoeh'iog | blood-covenant | 血約; 血盟
huih'iog | blood-covenant | 血約; 血盟
hun'iog | marriage contract; betrothal | 婚約
huo'iog | keep an appointment | 赴約
hø'iog | peace treaty | 和約
høiog | treaty; peace treaty | 和約
iofng'iog'vi | orphan asylum; almshouse; orphanage; work house | 養育院
iog sikafn | agree upon a time to meet or to do something | 約時間
iog | to make an appointment; agreement; covenant; contract; treaty; to blind; restrain; brief(ly); simply; about; around; approximately; a date; appointment; engagement; make an appointment; (in math.) to reduce | 約
iog'efng | nursing | 育嬰
iog'engseg | nursery | 育嬰室
iog'iuovi | nursery; orphanage | 保育院; 育幼院
jidkofng-ciet'iog-sikafn | daylight saving time | 日光節約時間
kafn'iog | abbriviate, condense, summarize, abbreviation, condensation, summary | 簡約; 摘要
kay'iog | cancel a contract or engagement | 解約
khea'iog | contract; compact; conclude a contract | 契約
khiaxm'iog | frugal, saving, thrifty | 儉約; 節約
khøea'iog | contract | 契約
khøea'iog-sw | written agreement, contract | 契約書
ki'iog | contract | 期約
kiet'iog | to conclude a treaty; agreement; etc. | 結約
kirm'iog | forbidden | 禁約
kong'iog | treaty; covenant; public promise; commitment | 公約
kui'iog | a mutual agreement | 歸約; 規約
lib'iog | make an agreement, make a contract | 立約
limsii khøea'iog | provisional contract | 臨時契約
lioxng'iog | about; approximate; in rough number; about; thereabout; approximately | 量約; 大略; 大約; 大概
lioxngki'iog | about; approximate; in rough number | 量其約; 大約
lip høiog | make a (peace) treaty | 立和約
phah'iog | sign a contract | 打約
phaq-khøea'iog | make a contract | 打契約; 拍契約; 合約
pherng'iog | appointment | 聘約
put'iog | inexplicably missing; stolen | 無翼
sea'iog | make a solemn covenant | 誓約
sea'iog-sw | written agreement, written covenant | 誓約書
siog'iog | renew a contract | 續約
siong'iog | mutually agree | 相約
sirn'iog | commitment | 信約
sit'iog | missed an appointment; break one's promise; fail to appear at an appointed time; be unfaithful to an agreement | 失約
siutexng tiau'iog | revise a treaty | 修訂條約
siw'iog | keep an agreement, keep an appointment | 守約
siøiog | reach agreement; make an appointment | 相約
sofng'iog | break an appointment | 爽約
su'iog | private treaty or pact | 私約
sva'iog | make a date; make an arrangement; make an appointment; mutually agree | 相約
teg'iog cynsor | clinic exclusively engaged by an organization | 特約診所
teg'iog ivi | hospital exclusively engaged by an organization | 特約醫院
teg'iog kieciar | stringer; special correspondent (for a newspaper; magazine) | 特約記者
teg'iog | specially appointed, specially approved | 特約
terng'iog | conclude a treaty | 訂約
texng'iog | sign the contract; make a treaty; agreement or contract | 定約; 訂約
thea'iog | reject the agreement | 退約
thongsiofng tiau'iog | trade pact | 通商條約
tiau'iog | teaty; provisions | 條約
ui'iog | breach of contract; break a contract or agreement | 違約
wn'iog | faint | 隱約
zeng'iog | old commitment | 前約
zo'iog | lease | 租約
zoan'iog | special appointment | 專約

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