"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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ae'iok | physical desire, passion | 愛慾; 慾望
at'iok | suppress desires | 遏慾
bog'iok | take a bath; bathe; to steep in or receive favors; to soak in | 沐浴
chiok'iok | to leap with joy | 雀躍
chitzeeng liog'iok | Buddhism: the seven emotions-happiness (喜); anger (怒); sorrow (哀); joy (樂); love (愛); hate (恨); and desire (慾)--and the six sensory pleasures derived from the eyes; ears; nose; tongue; body and mind | 七情六慾
ciet'iok | birth control; birth control; practice birth control | 節育
ciok'iok | white peony; Paeonia albiflora var. horteusis (source of one of the four important Chinese herb medicines); a Chinese herbaceous peony | 芍藥; 雀躍; 勺藥
cioong sym sor iok | do as one wishes connoting an absence of opposition or objection | 從心所欲
ho'iok | to appeal, to call for | 呼籲
hoan'iok | overjoyed; dancing with joy | 歡躍
hoat'iok | development; to grow up; growth | 發育
hoat'iok-kii | period of growth | 發育期; 發育時期
hof cy iok zhud | obvious; almost certain (said of the identity of a person who remains behind the scene or a criminal suspect against whom no evidence has yet been found) | 呼之欲出
hui'iok | a leap; by leaps and bounds; advancing rapidly | 飛躍
hurn'iok | part of school education; moral education; educate and train | 訓育
hw'iok | to nurture, to nourish | 輔育; 撫育
ie'iok | to intend, to wish | 意慾; 意欲
im'iok køeato | abandon oneself to the passion; excessive indulgence in the pursuit of pleasures | 淫慾過度
im'iok | carnal desires; lust | 淫慾
iofng'iok kviafjii | bring up children | 養育囝兒; 養育兒女
iofng'iok | to bring up; jump about for joy; enthusiastic; enthusiastically | 養育; 踴躍
iofng'iok-huix | cost of raising a child | 養育費
iok | beget; to produce; give birth to; to breed; raise (children); bring up; to nurse; nourish; educate | 育; 慾
iok'hoe | a date; an appointment; appointment; engagement; make an appointment to meet | 約會
ixn'iok | give birth to | 孕育
jin'iok | human desires or passions | 人慾
jiog'iok ee aezeeng | carnal love | 肉慾的愛情
jiog'iok | carnal appetites | 肉慾; 獸慾
khek'iok | master the passions | 克慾
kirm'iok | restrain the passions; mortification; abstinence | 禁慾
kiuti-iok | desire for knowledge | 求知慾
kiuty-iok | desire for knowledge | 求知慾
liog'iok | the desires originated from the six roots – eyes; ears; nose; tongue; body and mind | 六欲
lioxng'iok'ar | roughly | 量約仔
lioxngki'iok'ar | roughly | 量其約仔
pawloarn sw im'iok | lewd thoughts arise from fullness of food and the comfort of warm clothing; i.e.; from easy living | 飽暖思淫慾
piernthaix serng'iok | sexual aberration | 變態性慾
poe'iok | to cultivate, to nourish, to rear | 培育
sek'iok | sexual desire; lust | 色慾
seng'iok haxnzex | birth control | 生育限制
seng'iok | beget a child; give birth; childbirth; bear; to rear | 生育
serng'iok chiongtong | sexual impulse | 性慾衝動
serng'iok | sexual desire (appetite) | 性慾
su'iok phienzeeng | passion and concupiscence | 私慾偏情
su'iok | self-interest; selfish desires | 私慾; 私欲
suisym sor iok | do anything one's heart dictates | 隨心所欲
tek'iok | ethical or moral teaching | 德約; 德育
tham'iok | covet; covetousness; greed; avarice | 貪慾
thiao'iok | leap | 跳躍
thok'iok | childcare | 托育
tie'iok | mental training | 智育
uii sor iok uii | do what one wants to do | 為所欲為
zeng'iok | sensual desire; lust; carnal appetite | 情慾
zuxjieen ciet'iok | natural birth control | 自然節育

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