Aciw kim'ioong-hongpø | Asian financial storm | 亞洲金融風暴
Tiong'ioong | The Golden Mean (one of the Four Books in the Chinese classics); of ordinary talent; common | 中庸; 重陽
Tiong'ioong-zøeq | Double Ninth | 重陽節
beeng ioong suohae | become famous all over the world | 名揚四海
beeng ioong thienha | name spread all over the world; the name is known far and wide | 名揚天下
bin taix chiu'ioong | sad faced; woeful look | 面帶愁容
bixn'ioong | countenance; face; appearance; countenance; face | 面容
bog'ioong | shepherd | 牧羊
bogphu'ioong | a cotton rose | 木芙蓉
by'ioong | makeup | 美容; 化粧
chia'ioong | declining sun | 斜陽
chiefn'ioong | to expound and propagate | 闡揚
chiong'ioong | composed, tranquill, unhurried, to feel at home | 從容
chiu'ioong moafbin | wear a sad look; look distressed | 愁容滿面
chiu'ioong | sad appearance, sad countenance | 愁容
ciok'ioong | celebrate | 祝融
ciong'ioong putpeg | in an unhurried of leisurely manner | 從容不迫
ciong'ioong | unhurried; naturally; calm; composed | 從容
eg'ioong | disguise | 易容
ek'ioong | the rise and fall (of sound) | 抑揚
gan'ioong | facial appearance and expression; countenance | 顏容
gi put'ioong suu | duty-bound | 義不容辭
gi'ioong | appearance and deportment | 儀容
heng'ioong | describe; appearance; form; shape | 形容
heng'ioong-suu | adjective | 形容詞
hiefn'ioong | spread abroad; commend; to praise or acclaim | 顯揚
hiern serng'ioong | Transfiguration | 顯聖容
hiorng'ioong | facing the south; the sunny side (said of a house) | 向陽; 朝南
hoan'ioong | to return from the grave; return | 還陽
hoat'ioong | to exalt; to enhance; to add glory to; exaltation | 發揚
hoe'ioong | revive from underground (death) | 回陽
hoea'ioong | ulcer | 潰瘍
hong'ioong | further develop or expand | 宏揚
hoxsiong khoan'ioong | forbearing toward one another | 互相寬容
hu'ioong | hibiscus; lotus | 芙蓉
hui'ioong | on wings; rise up and flutter like a flag; to fly about like dust | 飛揚
huie'ioong | ulcer | 潰瘍
huo'ioong | a vassal state | 附庸
hykhix iong'ioong | joyful atmosphere; festival mood; cheerful look or expression | 喜氣洋洋
iaxm'ioong | bright sun | 豔陽
iekhix iong'ioong | in high spirits; triumphantly | 意氣揚揚
im'ioong oafnzai | His or her voice and appearance seem to be still with us (a conventional written expression referring to the deceased in a funeral rite) | 音容宛在
im'ioong | yin and yang | 陰陽
iong'ioong taixkoafn | imposing; grand; magnificent | 洋洋大觀
iong'ioong | full of water; vast; extensive; in high spirits; great; elated | 洋洋; 揚揚; 庸庸
iong'ioong-tek'ix | very pleased; elated; to be smug and complacent; look proud and satisfied; in high spirits; proud and happy; elated | 揚揚得意
ioong hong ym uii | observe rules or obey orders ostensibly; pretend to obey | 陽奉陰違
ioong | banyan tree; oxygen | 榕; 陽; 容; 氧
ioong-lixzuo | positive ion, cation | 陽離子
ioong-tiexnhøo | positive electrical load | 陽電荷
it'ioong hoarthaxn | carbon monoxide | 一氧化碳
iu'ioong | sad expression, a long face | 憂容
kheg put'ioong oan | Not a moment is to be lost; most urgent | 刻不容緩
khoan'ioong | to forgive; to excuse; lenient; tolerant; tolerance; liberality | 寬容
khuie'ioong | duodenal ulcer; ulcer; ulceration | 潰瘍; 十二指腸潰瘍
kiau'ioong | lovely apperance; beautiful appearance | 嬌容
kim'ioong | finance; banking; finance; monetary circulation; the credit situation | 金融
kim'ioong-kikoafn | banking organ; financial organization | 金融機關
koaxn'ioong | looked weary or tired | 倦容
kofng'ioong | diffuse far and wide | 廣揚; 宣揚
kun'ioong | the impression which a military unit gives to a beholder; the general appearance of a military force | 軍容
leng'ioong | antelope | 羚羊
log'ioong | deer penis used for health sake | 鹿陽
loxng'ioong | publicize; make known | 弄揚; 宣揚; 張揚
oafn'ioong | pleasant countenance | 婉容
ong'ioong | ocean | 汪洋
pau'ioong | be patient; to bear patiently | 包容; 寬容
peng'ioong | mediocre; indifferent; commonplace | 平庸
phiau'ioong | blown into the air; to waft; to flutter | 飄揚
phu'ioong zhutzuie | hibiscus rising out of water (descriptive of the gracefulness of a piece of writing; a woman) | 芙蓉出水
phu'ioong | hibiscus flower; crossostephium chinense | 芙蓉
piaw'ioong | to praise, to commend | 表揚
put'ioong | not to tolerate; not to allow | 不容
put'siong'ioong | incompatible | 不相容
pvoarim'ioong | androgynous; Having both female and male characteristics; hermaphrodite | 陰陽人
pøioong | praising | 褒揚
seg'ioong | the setting sun | 夕陽
serng'ioong | holy figure; imperial portrait (Catholic) | 聖容
sia'ioong | setting sun | 斜陽
siong'ioong | compatible; [[siøioong]] | 相容
sioxng'ioong | praise | 讚揚; 頌揚
siu'ioong | take in; accept | 收容
siu'ioong-sor | camp (prisoner-of-war, refugee, etc.) | 收養所; 收容所
siøioong | compatible | 相容
soan'ioong | advertise; air; blazon forth; preach up; publicize and exalt; proclaim | 宣揚
svoaf-phu'ioong | Taiwan cotton-rose, mountain rose mallow | 山芙蓉
tek'ix iong'ioong | air of complacency; appearance of extreme satisfaction; quite elated | 得意揚揚
thae'ioong | sun | 太陽
thoan'ioong | preach; make known everywhere | 傳揚; 宣揚
thong'ioong | make a temporary arrangement; compromise; accommodate; by way of accommodation | 通融
tiau'ioong | morning sun | 朝陽
tiong'ioong | the golden mean of the Confucian school; medium | 中庸
tioxng'ioong | September 9th | 重陽
tixn'ioong | the layout of troops; lineup of a cabinet; the cast of a movie; appearance of a military deployment; the layout of troops; the lineup of a cabinet; the composition of a sports team; an organization; cast of a movie | 陣容
tog'ioong | suppurating abscess | 毒膿; 毒瘍
toxng'ioong | movement | 動容
ui'ioong | portrait of a dead person; image of the deceased | 遺容
ui-hoea'ioong | gastric ulcer | 胃潰瘍
un'ioong | kindness | 溫容
ym-ioong | positive and negative principles in nature | 陰陽
zarn'ioong | praise | 讚揚
zefng'ioong goaxkhøf | plastic surgery | 整容外科
zefng'ioong isefng | plastic surgeon | 整容醫生
zefng'ioong | improve one's look by plastic surgery; to tidy one's appearance by shaving or a haircut | 整容
zenglie lan'ioong | contrary to reason or common sense; absurd | 情理難容
zerng'ioong | high noon | 正陽
zhao'ioong | ozone | 臭氧
zu'ioong | facial look and posture; woman looks (usually implying good looks) | 姿容
zun'ioong | your face (honorific term) | 尊容
zuyhoea put'ioong | Water and fire do not mix | 水火不容
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