an'iorng | settle down peacefully; retire and enjoy the fruit of one's work in the past | 安養
bang'iorng | brave | 蠻勇
befng'iorng | brave; intrepidity; valiance; valiancy; valor | 猛勇; 勇猛
bog'iorng | to herd or tend animals; raise ranch or farm animals | 牧養
bw'iorng | nourish, nurture, take care of | 撫養
chvia'iorng | foster; rear | 成養; 養育
ciam'iorng | armature-fish | 潛養; 針鯒; 電樞魚
efng'iorng-phirn | sustenance | 營養品
eng'iorng liauhoad | dietary cure | 營養療法
eng'iorng putlioong | malnutrition; undernourishment | 營養不良
eng'iorng | brave; courageous; heroic; gallant | 英勇; 營養
ham'iorng | culture of a person; capability for kindness | 涵養
han'iorng | live in leisure | 閒養
hao'iorng | treat parents with piety | 孝養
hietkhix-cy-iorng | foolhardiness; courage or bravery emanating from emotion not from cool judgment or the sense of righteousness | 血氣之勇
hiong'iorng | bluster; popple; surge | 洶湧
hiu'iorng | recreation; relax; relaxation; rest; recuperate | 休養
hoxng'iorng | to take care of one's parents | 奉養
hu'iorng ee gixbu | duty of supporting | 扶養的義務
hu'iorng kazok | dependent | 扶養家族
hu'iorng | to bring up; provide with means of livelihood; provide subsistence or sustenance for; to support | 扶養
hurn'iorng | (adv) using extreme force of will; without fear; courageously; bravely fighting enemy troops | 奮勇
hw'iorng | to foster, to rear | 輔養
iofng'iorng | healthy | 勇勇; 養養
iorng phafng | keep bees | 養蜂
iorng | strong, healthy | 勇; 蛹; 壯; 氧
iorng'ong | strong | 勇旺
iorng-goansox | oxygen, oxygen element | 氧元素
iorng-goanzuo | oxygen atom | 氧原子
iorng-hunzuo | oxygen molecule | 氧分子
iorng-sinmia | in good health, healthy | 養身命; 強壯
iorng`ee | parents who raised kids | 養的
jixn'iorng | adopt | 認養
kao'iorng | cultivate (character), educate, culture, education | 教養
kiau'iorng | to grow up in soft surroundings; to live a sheltered life | 嬌養
kie'iorng | to board out, to consign (a child) to someone's care | 寄養
kierngi put'uii bu'iorng ia | see an opportunity for doing right and fail to do it is cowardice | 見義不為無勇也
kiofng'iorng | nourish, support | 供養
kiorng'iorng | take care of one's elders; feed one's children | 供養
liau'iorng | convalescence; recuperate; convalesce | 療養
liau'iorng-vi | sanatorium; sanitarium | 療養院
liexn'iorng | a militiaman | 練勇
lixn'iorng | adopt | 認養
otiab'iorng | butterfly chrysalis | 蝴蝶蛹
phahtng chiwkud tientøx iorng | turn a misfortune into a blessing; to profit from a misfortune; After a storm; comes calm. (Lit. After a broken arm has been cured; it is stronger than before.) | 因禍得福
poe'iorng | to cultivate; to bring up; to train up; to nurture | 培養
seng'iorng | bear and raise | 生養
siaxm'iorng | provide with means of support; to support | 贍養
sien'iorng | brave | 先勇
sin'iorng | supernatural bravery | 神勇
siu'iorng | culture; accomplishment; training; discipline | 修養; 收養
svi'iorng | fertility | 生養
tiau'iorng | nurse one's health; take care of oneself | 調養
tiefn'iorng | show one's strength, show off | 展勇; 耀武揚威
tiong'iorng | loyal and brave | 忠勇
tng'iorng | just about come to one's full strength | 當勇; 正力壯
zexng'iorng | convalesces; live in the sanatorium | 靜養
zho'iorng | tough (person), husky, solid (object) | 粗勇; 粗壯
zu'iorng | nourishing; nutritious; nourishing food | 滋養
zuxkøx hurn'iorng | offer to take the responsibility upon oneself, to volunteer | 自告奮勇
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