"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Serngbør cirnkaux cy iu | Auxilium Christianorum (Catholic) | 聖母進教之佑
Svoatafng-iu | Shantung pumelo | 山東柚
ang'iu | red pomelo | 紅柚
bin iu'iw | one's face looks sad | 面憂憂; 面色憂鬱
buntarn'iu | type of shaddock; a pomelo from Moa-tau | 文旦柚; 文旦
buntaxn-iu | pomelo; shaddock | 文旦柚
heng'iu | bribe | 行賄
iu kviaf iu hvoahie | alarmed and happy at the same time | 又驚又喜
iu | again; right hand side; a pomelo; and; also; again; moreover | 又; 右; 柚
iu'ar | round pomelo, shaddock | 柚仔; 柚子
iu'axm | dark, gloomy | 幽暗
iu'axng | oil jar | 油甕
iu'efng'y | swimming suit | 游泳衣
iu'efngkhox | swimming trunks | 游泳褲
iu'efngsvaf | swimming suit | 游泳衫
iu'efngtii | swimming pool | 游泳池
iu'erng | swim; swimming | 游泳
iu'i | special extra | 優異
iu'iah | healthy and prosperous | 優役; 心寬體胖
iu'iefn | lamp soot; lampblack; greasy dirt produced from heating or cooking oil | 油煙
iu'ioong | sad expression, a long face | 憂容
iu'irnpurn | mimeographed booklet; pamphlet | 油印本
iu'iuar thviax | feel a slight pain | 憂憂仔痛; 微微的痛
iu'iuu | freely; idly; far; vast; pensive; impractical; greasy; oily | 油膩; 悠悠; 油油
iu'iw | sad; sorrowful; glossy; soft and smooth; sleek; slick; slithery | 憂憂; 光滑; 憂容; 幽幽
iu'ixn | mimeographing; to mimeograph | 油印
iu'oadkarm | sense of superiority | 優越感
iu'oarn | play (as a child, without concern or responsibility), have fun, have a pleasant time | 遊玩; 悠遠
iu'oat | superior; supreme; predominance; superiority | 優越
iu'oaxn | hidden bitterness | 幽怨
iu'oe | oil painting | 油畫
iu'thiw | a tube for pumping oil | 油抽
iu'ud | melancholy; gloomy; depressed; blue; heavy hearted | 憂鬱
iu'ui | oil painting | 油畫
iu'utpvi | depression | 憂鬱病
iu'utzexng | melancholia | 憂鬱症
iu'uu | doubtful; hesitating; suspicious | 猶豫
jit syn iu syn | daily renewal or modernization; constant progress | 日新; 日新又新
keg'iu | the ultra-Right | 極右
khip'iu'ienky | exhaust fan | 吸油煙機
khoan'iu | forgive | 寬宥
laam tøx luo iu | left represents the male; the right represents the female (a popular concept); The male sits on the left side; female on the right | 男左女右
pai'iu'ienky | exhaust fan above a gas stove or range | 排油煙機
peqbah'iu | white-fresh pomelo | 白肉柚
phutøiu | grapefruit | 葡萄柚
phøtøiu | grapefruit | 葡萄柚
pie'iu | divine protection; protect by God | 庇佑
si'iu | puedo (fruit) | 絲柚; 時袖
siu'iu | accept a bribe | 收賄
taw'iu | round pumelo, shaddock | 斗柚
thien'iu | the protection of Heaven | 天佑
thiofng'iu | actual grace (Catholic) | 寵佑
zexng'iu | bribery | 贈賄
zhao'iu'iefn | unpleasant oily smell | 臭油煙

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