"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Tiong'iuu | PetroChina | 中油
arn'iuu | details of a case | 案由
bag'iuu | tears; tears caused by cold or smoke | 目油; 眼水; 眼淚; 淚水
bah'iuu | lard | 肉油; 豬油
bak'iuu | touch oil | 沾油
baxn'iuu | roam; cruise; on one's ramble; tour without a serious purpose; travel about for pleasure | 漫遊
baxng'iuu | sleepwalk; sleepwalker; noctambulation | 夢遊
baxng'iuu-pvi | sleepwalking, somnambulism | 夢遊症; 夜遊症
bixn'iuu | facial cream; face cream | 面油; 面霜
boah'iuu | apply oil; anoint; smear with oil or grease; baste; to grease | 抹油; 敷油
boaq serng'iuu | anointing | 抹聖油; 塗聖油
boe'iuu | petroleum; kerosene | 煤油; 石油
boxng'iuu | sleepwalk; somnambulate; dream of traveling | 夢遊
boxng'iuu-pve | sleepwalking; somnambulism | 夢遊病
bykhng'iuu | rice chaff oil; rice bran oil | 米糠油
bø'iuu bøsiefn | quiet; simple; unexciting and placid life; mild flavored food | 清淡; 無油膩; 無油無煙
chid iuu | to oil; to grease | 拭油; 擦油
chiorng'iuu | sing and play | 唱遊
ci'iuu | lard | 脂油
cib'iuu | collect stamps | 集郵; 收集郵票
cien'iuu | fried oil | 煎油
ciu'iuu seakaix | Travel round the world | 週遊世界
ciu'iuu | to travel round | 周遊; 週遊
cvi'iuu | press or crush out oil | 搾油; 爭油
cvie'iuu | fry deep in fat | 炸油; 糋油
cviulør-iuu | camphor oil | 樟腦油
cviuo'iuu | soy sauce | 醬油
cvy-iuu | press out oil, squeeze into, exact money | 擠油; 櫼油; 榨油
e'iuu | shoe polish | 鞋油
goan'iuu | crude oil; crude petroleum | 原油; 原由
gu'iuu | beef-fat; butter; grease; tallow; butter oil | 牛油; 奶油; 黃油
guleng'iuu | cream | 牛乳油; 奶油
guni'iuu | cream | 牛奶油; 奶油
gvau'iuu | render fat | 藕油; 精練油脂
han'iuu | travel in leisure | 閑遊
hexngjin'iuu | almond oil essence | 杏仁油
hi'iuu | fish oil | 魚油
hiang'iuu | pomatum; balsam; balm; perfumed oil | 香油
hikvoa'iuu | cod-liver oil | 魚肝油
hiong'iuu | sesame oil | 香油
hoan'iuu | globetrot | 環遊
hoe'iuu | return mail | 回郵
hu'iuu-toxngbut | a mayfly; an ephemera | 蜉蝣動物
huihoat'iuu | volatile oil; naphtha; gasoline; naphtha or other volatile oils | 揮發油
hun'iuu | to roam; to wander; nicotine | 雲遊; 煙油
hviu'iuu | linseed oil; sesame oil | 香油; 胡麻油
ia'iuu | coconut oil | 椰油
iacie-iuu | coconut oil | 椰子油
ien'iuu | reason; cause; cause; reason; the whys and wherefores | 緣由; 由來; 原因
in'iuu | cause; origin; root cause; reason | 因由; 來由; 原因
irm'iuu | high-class soy sauce | 蔭油; 上等醬油
iu'iuu | freely; idly; far; vast; pensive; impractical; greasy; oily | 油膩; 悠悠; 油油
iuu chiern jip chym | from shallow to profound--of progressive studies | 由淺入深
iuu lie | as you please; at your discretion | 由你
iuu thiefn jii kaxng | come down from heaven | 由天而降
iuu thiefn put'iuu jiin | it depends on Heaven not on man | 由天無由人
iuu zhuo cien'orng | go from here | 由此前往
iuu | fat; oil; fat; grease; paint; greasy | 油; 游; 遊; 由
iuu-loealoex | oily greasy | 油肭肭
iuu-soefsoea | abundant winfall | 油洗洗
juxnkut-iuu | lubricating oil | 潤滑油
jw'iuu | butter, whey | 乳油
ka'iuu | exhortation; Step on the gas! Let's go! (This word is very often pronounced in Mandarin ─ Jia-you!); Also means to refuel or put gas in the car | 加油
ka'iuu-thiamzhox | exaggerate or give embellishment to a story | 加油添醋
kam'iuu | glycerin. The Taiwanese very often use the foreign word and pronounce it gulinselin | 甘油
kau'iuu | go picnic, go for a walk; have friendly contact with | 郊遊; 交遊
keng'iuu | pass through; go by way of | 經由
kengciøiuu | banana oil | 弓蕉油
khatea boah'iuu | slip away | 腳底抹油; 溜走
kheng'iuu | light oil | 輕油
khie'iuu | gasoline, petrol | 汽油
khie'iuu-tefng | kerosene lamp, gasoline lantern | 煤油燈
khoan'iuu seakaix | take a round-the-world tour; circle the globe | 環遊世界
khorng'iuu | mineral oil | 礦油
khorngbut-iuu | mineral oil | 礦物油
ki'iuu | lubricating oil; lubricant | 機油
kiencirn serng'iuu | Chrism (Catholic) | 堅振聖油
kim'iuu | varnish; lacquer | 金油; 假漆
kinciø'iuu | banana-oil | 香蕉油
kinciøf-iuu | banana oil | 香蕉油
kun'iuu | original cause, root | 根由
kvanar-iuu | olive oil | 橄欖油
kvia'iuu | wander, stroll | 走遊; 遊歷
kø'iuu | ointment | 膏油
køe'iuu | chicken fat | 雞油
lai'iuu | cause | 來由
lao'iuu | leaking oil | 漏油
laqzek'iuu | candle drippings | 燭淚油
leg'iuu | anthracene oil | 綠油
leng'iuu | butter | 奶油
liexn'iuu-chiarng | oil refinery | 煉油廠
lin'iuu | butter | 乳油
liog'iuu | anthracene oil | 綠油
liøiuu | slice oil horizontally | 撩油
luxnkut-iuu | lubricating oil | 潤滑油
ly'iuu | reason for action, ground for action | 理由
ly'iuu-sw | affidavit | 理由書; 口供書
moa'iuu | sesame oil | 麻油
moe'iuu | kerosene | 煤油
mui'iuu | coal oil, kerosene | 媒油; 煤油
ng'iuu | Chinese mink, golden weasel, butter | 黃油; 華南鼬鼠
ni'iuu | butter, whey, cream | 乳油; 奶油
o'iuu | lubricating oil | 黑油; 烏油; 機油
oafn'iuu | travel far | 遠遊
pek'iuu | pitch; asphalt | 柏油
peqhia-iuu | oil for terminating termite | 白蟻油
peqmoa'iuu | white sesame oil | 白麻油
phang'iuu | sesame oil; fragrant; aromatic oils | 香油; 芳油; 髮油
phu'iuu sengbut | plankton | 浮游生物
phu'iuu | a thin layer of oil | 浮油
phurn'iuu | spay oil | 噴油
pi'iuu | castor oil | 蓖油; 蓖麻油
piak'iuu | make oil from fat meat | 煏油
piern'iuu | travel all over | 變遊; 遍遊
pimoa'iuu | castor oil | 蓖麻油
poghøiuu | mint oil | 薄荷油
poghøo-iuu | peppermint oil | 薄荷油
pøqhøiuu | mint oil; peppermint oil | 薄荷油
serng'iuu | holy oils (Catholic) | 聖油
sidiong-iuu | edible oil | 實用油; 食用油
siongchiu-iuu | turpentine | 松樹油; 松脂
sioxng'iuu | upper reaches of a river | 上游
sun'iuu | to tour | 巡遊
syn put'iuu zuo | unable to act according to one's own will | 身無由主
søiuu | rub on oil | 抹油; 搓粉唆
tah'iuu | buy edible oil | 沽油; 買油
tang'iuu | tung tree oil | 桐油
taq iuu | put a stamp on an envelope | 搭油
te'iuu | camellia-oil | 茶油
tefng'iuu | top tour | 頂游
teng'iuu | lamp oil | 燈油
tenghviu'iuu | oil of cloves | 丁香油
thang'iuu | oil of paulownia seed | 桐油
thaumngg-iuu | hair cream, hair tonic, pomade | 頭髮油
thiam'iuu | add oil | 添油
thin'iuu | pour oil | 斟油; 倒油
thoat'iuu | wait for oil to drip from food | 脫油
thong'iuu | accessible by postal communication | 通郵
thotau-iuu | peanut oil | 土豆油; 塗豆油; 花生油
thothvoax-iuu | coal oil, kerosene | 土炭油; 煤油
thvi'iuu | refuel; lubricate | 加油; 添油
ti'iuu | lard | 豬油
ti'iuu-phøh'ar | browned residue from rendered fat; cracklings | 豬油粕仔
tiafm'iuu zøx kiehø | make a mark with oil ─ cherish (a person); a grudge; black list | 點油為記; 黑名單
tiafm'iuu | make a mark with oil | 點油
tioxng'iuu | heavy oil; diesel oil | 重油
tong'iuu | tung oil; wood oil obtained from the seeds of paulownia | 桐油
u-ly'iuu | with certain reason | 有理由
zefngkah'iuu | nail polish | 指甲油
zeng'iuu | essential oil; to refine oil | 精油; 情由
zha'iuu | diesel | 柴油
zha'iuu-chiaf | diesel train | 柴油車; 柴油火車
zhae'iuu | oil of vegetable | 菜油; 花生油
zhao'iuu | kerosene | 臭油; 煤油
zhat'iuu | to oil, to rub on oil, to varnish | 漆油
zhun'iuu | spring outing | 春遊
zhut'iuu | go on an excursion | 出遊
zhø'iuu | bash oil | 臊油
zuy'iuu | kerosene | 水油; 煤油
zvoa'iuu | brew oil | 煎油
zvoarti'iuu | deep-fry fat | 炸豬油
ø'iuu | oyster oil | 蠔油; 蚵油; 奧遊
øe'iuu | shoe polish | 鞋油

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