"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bin iu'iw | one's face looks sad | 面憂憂; 面色憂鬱
bixn'iw bixnkad | face wrinkled with vexation or grief | 面憂面結; 愁眉苦臉
boxng'iw | forget about things that make you sad | 忘憂
bu'iw buli | without sorrow and anxiety | 無憂無慮
ciong'iw | liberally; to pay liberally; to pay according to a higher scale | 從優
hiøxkox-cy-iw | worry about the past and the future | 後顧之憂
hun'iw | to share the cares and worries; share sorrows; worries; etc.; sympathize | 分憂
iu'iw | sad; sorrowful; glossy; soft and smooth; sleek; slick; slithery | 憂憂; 光滑; 憂容; 幽幽
iw | quiet; secluded; melancholy; sorrow; sad; anxious | 幽; 憂; 憂慮的
iw'aix | fraternal affection, friend's love | 友愛
iw'eg | beneficial, useful | 有益
iw'ek | the right wing | 右翼
iw'iong | serviceable, useful | 有用
iw'ix | to have the intention to, to have a will to | 有意
iw'uii | capable, able, promising | 有為
iw'uu | have a surplus, be in excess | 有餘
iw-katkad | worried frawn | 憂結結
kok'iw | to be concerned over the nation; national mournful | 國憂
kyjiin iw thiefn | used to express baseless anxiety; pessimistic fears (The man of Ch'i feared that the sky was about to fall; like Chicken Little) | 杞人憂天
loexkox cy iw | worries about trouble at home | 內顧之憂
loexkox-cy-iw | worries for trouble at home | 內顧之憂
pai'iw | variety show; vaudeville act; player in such show; actor; actress | 明星; 演員; 戲子
phynhak kiam'iw | excel in moral as well as academic performances; excellent not only morally but also academically | 品學兼優
sim'iw | worried | 心憂
tam'iw | worry; concern over; be anxious; be grieved; bear sorrow | 擔憂
tan'iw | to be worried about | 擔憂; 耽憂
teg'iw | excellent; extraordinary | 特優
teg'iw-ciarng | special outstanding award | 特優獎
teng'iw | be in mourning for parents or grandparents | 登悼; 丁憂
zheng'iw | lustration and concinnity | 清幽
zoea'iw | the best; the superlative | 最佳

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