"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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baxnsu ju'ix | everything succeeded just as desired- the fulfillment of every wish or desire | 萬事如意
baxnsuju'ix | Everything is just as we would desire | 萬事如意
bin'ix kikoafn | people's representative body | 民意機關
bin'ix taixpiao | people's representatives | 民意代表
bin'ix zhekgiam | poll taking; public opinion survey | 民意測驗
bin'ix | public opinion; popular will; public will; people's will public opinion | 民意
boafn'ix | satisfied; satisfactory | 滿意
bu'ix | unintentional; unintentionally | 無意
bu'ix-tiofng | in unintentional; in unintentionally | 無意中
bun'ix | meaning or intention of documents or letters | 文意
by'ix | goodwill | 美意
bø'ix | unintentionally | 無意
bø'ix-bø'ix | does not want | 無意無意
bø'ix-bøsux | does not have the meaning | 無意無思; 沒意思
bøcip'ix | didn't make a decision | 無執意; 沒有下定決心
bøiebøix | bashful, shy | 無意無意; 不好意思
bøix | unintentionally | 無意
bøo kah'ix | unsuit one's fancy; not agreeable to a person or thing | 無合意
bøo seng'ix | insincere | 無誠意
bøo zeng'ix | cold and unfriendly | 無情意
bøo zuo'ix | careless, carelessly, not attentively, pay no attention, without taking notice | 無注意
bøo-seng'ix | insincere | 無誠意
bøo-zeng'ix | cold and unfriendly | 無情義
chiet'ix | earnestly | 切意; 迫切; 誠心
chim'ix | deep or abstruse meaning | 深意
chiu'ix | expression of sorrow; touch of sadness | 愁意; 秋意
cin'ix | real idea; true intention; real meaning; true or real intention | 真意
ciok'ix | satisfied, satisfactory | 足意; 滿意
cip'ix | to be determined to; stick to one's own view; hold on stubbornly to one's own ideas | 執意; 固執
cixn'ix | give full expression to one's ideas; to one's heart's content | 盡意
ciøh'ix | figuratively; metaphorically | 借意
cy'ix | purpose, will | 指意; 旨意
exzwtit'ix | can decide for himself | 能做主的
giengoa-cy-ix | overtones; hidden meaning between the lines; innuendo | 言外之意
goan'ix | original intention; original intentions | 原意
goaxn'ix | willing; be willing | 願意
gw'ix | meaning suggested by the words; implied or suggested meaning | 語意; 寓意
hab'ix | to suit one's fancy; suit one's fancy | 合意; 同意
hah-lang'ix | suit people's mind | 合人意
ham'ix | mean; contains another meaning | 含意
hesimzoafn'ix | change of mind | 回心轉意
hoaxn'ix | criminal intent | 犯意
hoesimzoafn'ix | change of mind | 回心轉意
hog'ix | submit to the will | 復意; 屈服意見
høesym-zoafn'ix | to repent; to relent | 回心轉意
hør-zeng'ix | affectionate | 好情意
hør-zw'ix | a good idea | 好主意
iong'ioong-tek'ix | very pleased; elated; to be smug and complacent; look proud and satisfied; in high spirits; proud and happy; elated | 揚揚得意
ioxng'ix | intention; idea; to mean | 用意
it'ix | single-heartedly | 一意
it'ix-koheeng | do something against the advice of the others | 一意孤行
itsim'it'ix | focus | 一心一意
itsym-it'ix | of one heart and mind; bent on doing something | 一心一意
iw'ix | to have the intention to, to have a will to | 有意
ix | idea; opinion; sentiment; intention; will; wish; meaning; expectation; inclination; purpose | 意
jib'ix | entertain | 入意
jin'ix | human wish | 人意
jixm'ix | as one pleases; according to one's wish; at will | 任意
ju'ix sngrpvoaa | wishful thinking | 如意算盤
ju'ix | as the heart desires; as one wishes; a symbol of good luck; as one wishe | 如意
kae'ix | mind; to heed | 介意
kah'ix | suit one's fancy; agreeable to a person or thing | 合意; 佮意
kamsym-log'ix | freely; cordially | 甘心樂意
kang'ix | be of the same mind | 同意
kaxng'ix | be of the same mind | 仝意; 同意
kea'ix | peace of mind | 過意
kefbøix | pretend not to care | 假無意
keg'ix | extremely | 極意
kerng'ix | reverence; respect; respect homage | 敬意
khek'ix | do something with intensive attention (in order to achieve perfection or great success) | 刻意
khoae'ix | pleasing; satisfying | 快意
khvoax-kah'ix | feel satisfied with; prefer; to like | 看甲意; 看中
koat'ix | determination; make up one's mind; decide | 決意; 決心
koea'ix | peace of mind | 過意
kong'ix | public opinion | 公意
køea'ix | glad, pleased, satisfied | 過意; 過癮
lai'ix | purpose of a personal call; objectives of a visit | 來意
lefng'ix | coldness | 冷意
liang'ix | to be getting chilly | 涼意
lib'ix | determine to; to make up one's mind | 立意
liofng'ix | insincere; equivocal | 兩意
liu'ix | keep an eye on; pay attention; pay attention; give the mind to; be careful; be cautious; take care; exercise caution | 留意
lixm'ix | arbitrary | 任意
log'ix | to like; willingly; gladly; cheerful | 樂意
lu'ix | as one wishes | 如意
m-køea'ix | don't care | 無在意
mxternglang'ix | not according to one's desire; not to one's taste | 毋順人意
oafn'ix | stuff | 玩意
ok'ix | pite; malice | 惡意
paukwn boafn'ix | let everyone satisfied (pleased) | 包君滿意
phvay'ix | wicked intention | 歹意; 惡意
piao-kerng'ix | show respect | 表敬意
piawsi boafn'ix | express or indicate satisfaction | 表示滿意
piawsi kerng'ix | show respect; pay respects | 表示敬意
piawsi tong'ix | an expression of unanimity; indicate; show one's concurrence; approval | 表示同意
piern'ix | change mind | 變意
pud ju'ix | not to one's liking; dissatisfied; frustration | 無如意
pud tiorng'ix | not quite up to one's ideal (expectations); not desirable; not suitable | 不中意
put'ix | accidentally | 無意
put'kae'ix | be indifferent to, do not mind | 無介意; 不介意
put'tek'ix | disappointed | 無得已; 不得已
put'terng'ix | not desirable, not suitable, not to one's liking | 無等意; 不中意
put'tong'ix | to disagree | 無同意; 不同意
put'zuo'ix | careless, to overlook, inadvertently | 無注意; 不注意
putju'ix | waywardness | 無如意
pwn'ix | original idea; original intention; primary intention; one's original purpose (intention); one's real will; motive | 本意
samsimliofng'ix | undecided; hesitate | 三心兩意
samsuliofng'ix | 2nd thought | 三思兩意
samsym liofng'ix | irresolute; vacillating; changeable; waver | 三心兩意
seng'ix | sincerity; faith; sincere; true | 誠意
serng'ix | holy will | 聖意
si'ix | poetry | 詩意
sianghofng tong'ix | mutual consent | 雙方同意
siexn'ix | good intention; goodwill | 善意
sim'ix | regard; kindly feelings; ideas; intentions; opinions; decisions | 心意
sin'ix | divine will; will of the gods | 神意
sit'ix | dejection; disappointment; disappointed | 失意
su'ix | one's own will | 私意
sui'ix | according to one's wish; as one likes it; as one pleases; follow one's own inclination | 隨意
suu puttat ix | the sentence does not fully convey the idea | 詞無達意
suxn'ix | do as one wishes | 順意
suxsu ju'ix | May everything be as you wish! | 事事如意
sym bee ix loan | muddle one's brains | 心迷意亂
sym boarn ix ciog | be fully contented complacent | 心滿意足
sym hoaan ix loan | fretful and confused | 心煩意亂
sym hoee ix zoarn | change one's mind; give up one's old (evil) ways; repent; start a new life | 心回意轉
sym hofng ix loan | lose one's wits totally; be shaken and perturbed; extremely nervous | 心慌意亂
sym taau ix hap | be in perfect agreement or harmony (usually said of intimate friends or lovers) | 心投意合
tang'ix | be of the same mind | 同意
teg'ix | enmity; hostility; antagonism | 敵意
tek'ix iong'ioong | air of complacency; appearance of extreme satisfaction; quite elated | 得意揚揚
tek'ix | complacency; glory; revel; be proud; with a proud air; get one's wish | 得意
terng'ix | to suit one's fancy or desire; agreeable to one's wishes; satisfied; please | 中意
texng'ix | make up one's mind, determine | 定意; 決意
thefng'ix | pigheaded | 逞意
thiau'ix | on purpose | 挑意
thien'ix | divine will, providence, the will of the Heaven | 天意
thvi'ix | Heaven's purpose or decree | 天意
tiau'ix | intentionally, on purpose | 刁意; 故意
tie'ix | attentive | 致意
tiorng'ix | suit one's fancy; agreeable; satisfied; meets the specifications; acceptable | 中意
tong'ix | agree with; to consent; approval | 同意
tongsym hab'ix | of one mind | 同心合意
tvafsiaw si'ix | withdraw a resignation | 打消辭意
zeeng taau ix hap | be congenial; agree in tastes and temperament | 情投意合
zeng'ix bienbieen | long lasting love expressing itself in a subdued but sweet form | 情意綿綿
zeng'ix | affection | 情意
zengtviuu sit'ix | frustrated in love | 情場失意
zherng'ix | compliment | 稱意
zhorng'ix | create new meanings | 創意
zoafn'ix | change mind | 轉意; 轉移
zoan'ix | dedicated | 專意
zoansym-zoan'ix | wholehearted; with all one's heart | 全心全意
zofng'ix | general opinion | 總意; 一般的輿論
zun'ix | a respectful way to call other's opinion | 存意; 尊意; 存心
zuo'ix | be careful; pay attention; take notice | 注意
zuo'ix-lat | power of concentration, attention | 注意力
zuo'ix-lek | power of concentration, attention | 注意力
zusu-ju'ix | May everything be as you wish! | 諸事如意
zuxbeeng tek'ix | be very pleased with what one has done or achieved | 自鳴得意
zw'ix | decide, decision, idea, plan, intention, will | 主意

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