"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bø'oe thang'ixn | nothing to say in reply; speechless | 無言可答
chiam'ixn | sign or put a seal on | 簽印
chiw'ixn | hand-print | 手印
ciap'ixn | take over the seals of office | 接印
ciofng'ixn | have charge of the official seal the man in charge | 掌印
geg'ixn | jade stamp; jade seal | 玉印
gvofsiong'ixn | stigmata | 五傷印
hiet'ixn | marks made with blood like footprints | 血印
hoan'ixn | reprint (a book with or without proper permission) | 翻印
hoeh'ixn | marks made with blood like footprints | 血印
hong'ixn | a seal; a cachet; a sealing stamp | 封印
huih'ixn | blood-seal | 血印
ioxng'ixn | put a stamp or seal on a document; to stamp | 用印
irn'ixn`leq | answering or consenting only on the lips | 印印咧
iu'ixn | mimeographing; to mimeograph | 油印
ixn laang khaq-zharm khiaxm laang | You have to keep your word. (Lit. To promise someone something is more serious than for someone to owe you a debt.) | 答應他人比欠他人更嚴重
ixn | brush; scrub; to clean; to print; a brush | 印; 應
ixn'iok | give birth to | 孕育
kap'ixn | stamped partly on each of two sheets (as two copies of a deed or contract; for security against alterations) | 敆印; 騎縫印
karm'ixn | official in charge of the official seal | 監印
kha'ixn | footprints | 腳印
khan'ixn | print for publication | 刊印
khap'ixn | to stamp with a seal or a chop, seal | 蓋章; 蓋印
kharm'ixn | to affix a seal, to stamp | 蓋印
khek'ixn | carve wood blocks for printing | 刻印
khihong'ixn | stamped partly on each of two sheets (as two copies of a deed or contract; for security against alterations) | 騎縫印
kok'ixn | official seal of national | 國印; 國璽
kong'ixn | official seal | 公印
kvoa'ixn | official seal | 官印
log'ixn | brand for animals | 火印; 烙印
mng-ixn | question and answer | 問應
pai'ixn | set type and print | 排印
phah'ixn | affix a seal | 打印; 蓋印
phien'ixn | edit and print | 編印
simsym-siong'ixn | complete meeting of minds; in complete rapport; our opinions tally exactly | 心心相印
sin'ixn | spiritual character (Catholic) | 神印
su'ixn | personal seal; private chop | 私章
thih'ixn | brand; to brand | 烙印
tuiezhuie'ixn | reply immediately | 對嘴應; 馬上回答

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