Lefpae'ji | Tuesday | 禮拜二
Pae'ji | Tuesday | 拜二; 週二
Sengki'ji | Tuesday | 星期二
ban`ji | swastika | 万字
biøji | sketch writing; trace writing | 描字
bøji | irrational; unreasonable; have no equivalent characters or words | 無字; 無字可寫
cyzhuo-ji'ie | that's all | 只此而已
gexsut-ji | art characters | 藝術字
id putzøx ji put'hiw | do something by hook or by crook; not to stop half way once a thing is started | 一不做二不休
id`ji | one word | 一字
ienparn-ji | a lead type used in printing | 鉛版字
ji | character or logogram; letter; two; second | 二; 餌; 字; 貳
ji'au | then; later; thereafter; afterward (see jian-au) | 而後
ji'ie | that is all; nothing more--gives finality to the clause | 而已
ji-itviu | husband of the second sister of mother | 二姨丈
ji`ciar | both | 二者
ji`gøeh | Feb. | 二月
ji`laai | secondary | 二來
jiø | urine | 尿
jiøxhiaf | a urine ladle | 尿瓠; 舀尿的器具
jiøxkhox | diaper | 尿褲
jiøxkhøf | urology | 尿科; 泌尿科
jiøxkngfiam | inflammation of the urethra | 尿管炎
jiøxkngr | urethra | 尿管
jiøxkoarn | a ureter; a urinary canal | 尿管
jiøxoo | urinal | 尿壺
jiøxphea'ar | diapers | 尿帕仔
jiøxphex | a diaper; a nappy | 尿帕; 尿布
jiøxpix | anuria | 尿秘; 尿閉
jiøxpox | diaper | 尿布
jiøxsngf | uric acid | 尿酸
jiøxsox | urea | 尿素
jiøxtae | sediment of urine | 尿滓
jiøxtao | chamber pot | 尿斗; 便壺
jiøxtharng | a urinal; portable container for urine; urine bucket (pot) | 尿桶; 便壺
jiøxthngg | urine sugar | 尿糖
jiøxtogzexng | uremia; uric poisoning | 尿毒症
jiøxtok | uremia | 尿毒
jiøxtø | urethra | 尿道
jiøxtø-iam | urethritis | 尿道炎
jiøxtøxiam | urethritis | 尿道炎
jiøxzu | nappy; diaper | 尿布; 尿墊
jiøxzuafkauq | diaper rash | 尿苴仔𩛩
jiøxzuar | diaper | 尿墊仔; 尿布
juzhuo-ji'ie | that's all | 只此而已
kafnthea-ji | simplified Chinese characters | 簡體字
nngxpeh-jiø | albuminuria | 蛋白尿
phienphiaq-ji | words rarely used | 罕用字; 偏僻字
phoarym-ji | broken sound word | 破音字
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]