"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: jiin

ahnng-jiin | yolk (of duck egg) | 鴨紅卵; 鴨卵仁; 鴨蛋黃
aix jiin juu kie | love one's neighbor as oneself | 愛人如己
bagciw-jiin | apple of the eye | 目睭仁; 眼珠
goansie-jiin | primitive | 原始人
habkor-jiin | business partner | 合股人; 股東
hauxsoarn-jiin | election candidate | 候選人
hoatkhie-jiin | originator | 發源人; 發起人
hudthøo-jiin | walnut kernel | 核桃仁
huxzeg-jiin | responsible person, person in charge | 負責人
højiin | who; whom | 何人
iarm jiin nybok | deceive others | 掩人耳目
iuu thiefn put'iuu jiin | it depends on Heaven not on man | 由天無由人
jiin cin kizaai | each displays his ability | 人盡其才
jiin cix gi cin | Everything to be expected in the light of benevolence and duty has been done | 仁至義盡
jiin huy bogsek | Man is a sentimental creature | 人非木石
jiin khux loo khofng | old scenes recall to mind old friends | 人去樓空
jiin kib tix sefng | in a crisis a man becomes wise | 人急智生
jiin kioong cix toarn | Poverty stifles ambition | 人窮志短
jiin lør sym putlør | young at heart; man may be old in years; but his heart need not be old; An old man chasing young women | 人老心無老
jiin putkhør mauxsioxng | Men cannot be judged by their looks. Don't judge a book by its cover | 人無可貌相
jiin ui baxnbut-cy-leeng | The human being is the most intelligent among creatures | 人為萬物之靈
jiin zaai liofngkhofng | both the person and the money are lost; be deserted by the person on whom you spent all you had | 人財兩空
jiin | man; human being; mankind; person; people; others; benevolence | 人; 仁
kaesiau-jiin | middleman, sponsor | 介紹人
kaf phøx jiin boong | home in ruins and family members dead or scattered (referring to situations resulting from great disasters) | 家破人亡
kengkie-jiin | agent, broker | 經紀人
kix jiin liha | live in another's house (either for protection or as a dependent) | 寄人籬下
lea tøf jiin putkoaix | Nobody blames excessive politeness | 禮多人無怪
poong jiok buu jiin | act audaciously or uninhibitedly; as if there were no other persons around | 旁若無人
pøfzexng-jiin | bondsman, guarantor | 保證人
seeng jiin cy bie | help fulfill another's cherished hopes; assist others in achieving an objective | 成人之美
sex pud uii jiin | swear to fight to finish | 誓無為人
sibbut-jiin | botanical person, unconscious person | 食物人; 植物人
thiefn buu zoat jiin cy lo | God will not close all doors. Heaven will always leave a door open | 天無絕人之路
thøjiin | dark-spotted cherry, peach | 土仁; 黑點櫻桃
tongkw-jiin | cohabitant | 同居人
tongky-jiin | cohabitant | 同居人
y jiin bunha | dependent upon others | 依人門下
zwchii-jiin | preside over; host; mastermind | 主持人
zwlea-jiin | master of ceremonies | 主禮人; 司儀

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