"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Bonghøef-jit | Ash Wednesday; a Christian holy day of prayer and fasting | 望灰日; 蒙灰日; 聖灰星期三
au`jit | the day after tomorrow | 後日; 後天
bin'afau`jit | tomorrow or the day after tomorrow; in later days | 明仔後日; 明後日
bøjit | no sun | 無日; 沒出太陽
bømebøjit | | 無暝無日
bømee bøjit | day and night without ceasing | 無暝無日; 無分晝夜
bømee-bøjit | night and day | 無暝無日; 不分晝夜; 日夜無停
bømii-bøjit | day and night | 日夜無停; 無暝無日; 不分晝夜
cit-nng-jit | the last two days | 這兩日
højit | When? On what day? | 何日
jit bøeh'axm | dusk; night-fall; toward evening | 日要暗; 黃昏; 傍晚
jit bøehtaux | about noon | 日要晝; 將近正午
jit heeng itsien | do one good deed a day | 日行一善
jit hok itjit | day after day; day in and out | 日復一日
jit kiuo kiexn jinsym | Time reveals a man's heart | 日久見人心
jit kiuo thiefn tioong | for a long; long time | 日久天長
jit kiuo zeeng sefng | Having been together for a long time; (they) came to have a tender feeling for each other | 日久生情
jit lok sesafn | sunset | 日落西山
jit løh | sunset | 日落
jit syn goat i | new every day; different every month--make constant progress | 日新月異
jit syn iu syn | daily renewal or modernization; constant progress | 日新; 日新又新
jit toarn ia tioong | short days and long nights | 日短夜長
jit zhud | sunrise | 日出
jit zoansit | total eclipse of the sun | 日全蝕
jit | at any time; any day | 日
jit-hoe'ar | soft beams of sunlight | 日花仔; 暖陽
jit`løh | sunset; the dip of the sun | 日落
jit`si'ar | daytime | 日時仔
jit`sii | daytime; during the day; day | 日時; 白天
keatngr-jit | the next day | 過轉日; 次日
kehtngr-jit | the next day | 隔轉日; 次日
kieliam-jit | day of commemoration; memorial day | 紀念日
kyliam-jit | memorial day, anniversary | 紀念日
lefpaix-jit | Sunday; the day of worship | 禮拜日
løh'au`jit | three days from now | 落後日
løhzøh`jit | two days ago | 落昨日
toaxau`jit | three days from now | 大後日
toaxzøh`jit | the second day before yesterday (jit changes to the third tone) | 大前天; 大昨日
tøe-id jit | the first day | 第一天
uxthvy-bøjit | have no idea what time it is | 有天無日; (無時間觀念)
za`jit | yesterday | 昨日
zah jit | block the sun | 閘日
zø`jit | the day before yesterday | 前天
zøh`jit | the day before yesterday | 前天
zøq`jit | the day before yesterday | 前天

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