baxnsu ju'ix | everything succeeded just as desired- the fulfillment of every wish or desire | 萬事如意
ju | wealthy; abundant; generous; in good circumstances | 裕
ju'iuo | if there is | 如有
ju'ix sngrpvoaa | wishful thinking | 如意算盤
ju'ix | as the heart desires; as one wishes; a symbol of good luck; as one wishe | 如意
ju'u | abundantly wealthy | 富裕; 餘裕
pud ju'ix | not to one's liking; dissatisfied; frustration | 無如意
suxsu ju'ix | May everything be as you wish! | 事事如意
syciofng ju'id | same from beginning to end ─ consistent | 始終如一
zusu-ju'ix | May everything be as you wish! | 諸事如意
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]