"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: køf

Oong`køf-Liuo`køf | contemptuous way of speaking of bad companions (Lit. fat man and skinny man) | 王哥柳哥
bagsae-køf | discharge from eyes | 目屎膏; 眼屎
beqgee køf | malt extract | 麥芽膏
beqgee-køf | malt extract | 麥芽膏; 麥芽糖
bøkøf | have no money; have no ability | 無膏; 無錢; 無才
chiøkøf | satyr | 好色; 𪁎哥; 色迷
hoeq køf | blood impurity (INCL. cholesterol) | 血混濁; 血濃
kii køf ittiok | be superior in intelligence; stratagem; skill etc.; to one's opponent | 棋高一著
køe'nng-køf | sponge cake | 雞卵膏; 雞卵糕; 雞蛋糕
køf | high; tall; elevated; loud | 高; 哥; 糕; 膏; 歌
køf-hiet'ab | high blood pressure, hypertension | 高血壓
køf`køq | elder brother | 哥哥
køkøf | high | 哥哥; 高高
køkøf-zaixsiong | Though one is skilful; there are others still more so; Greatness is comparative | 高高在上
legtau-køf | small cakes made with green-bean flour | 綠豆糕
log`køf-sog`køf | miscellaneous articles; odds and ends; people of all walks of life | 樂哥束哥; 零星雜物; 三教九流
onglaai-køf | pineapple cake | 鳳梨糕; 王梨膏
oong`køf-liuo`køf | a pair of funny guy | 王哥柳哥; 一對活寶; 小丑
paklaixbøkøf | lack of knowledge | 腹內無膏
siu køf teg tiong | of a ripe old age and great virtue | 壽高德重
thuii`køf | fool | 槌哥; 錘哥; 傻瓜
zaai køf pattao | exceedingly talented or brilliant | 才高八斗

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