"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: køq

bøkøq | not a second time | 無擱; 無再
khiuu køq khiam | stingy and thrifty person | 虯擱儉; 又小氣又節儉
khok køq kiet | stingy; miserly | 虯擱潔; 儉吝嗇
khvoarliao køq khvoax | take a look; see again and again | 看了擱看
kiaam køq siab | stingy; sordid | 鹹擱澀
køf`køq | elder brother | 哥哥
køq bøo kuyjit | not many days from now | 擱無幾日; 過無幾日
køq cidee | one more | 擱一個; 再一個
køq hoatzøq | relapse into an illness | 擱發作; 再復發作
køq køex`khix | next | 擱過去; 再過去
køq voa | change over again; at least a second time | 擱換; 再換
køq | put; to lay; to delay; put aside | 擱; 閣; 再; 又
teeng køq siar | to rewrite | 重擱寫; 再寫
teeng køq zøx | do over again | 再做做
teeng køq | a second time; over again | 重擱; 再次
thoaxliao køq thoa | rinse a second time | 汰了擱汰; 沖了再沖
uxciah køq uxliah | have both eat and take away | 有吃擱有捉; 可吃又可帶回

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