"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kafm

kafm | prison; a jail | 監; 甘; 柑
kafm'aftiaxm | drug-store; grocery | 雜貨店; 𥴊仔店; 篚仔店
kafm'ar | shallow bamboo | 篚仔; 𥴊仔; 大竹盤; 淺竹筐
kafm'ar-tiaxm | general grocery store | 篚仔店; 雜貨店
kafm'erngkhix | induction apparatus | 感應器
kafm'erngkhoaan | induction coil | 感應圈
kafm'erngkhoafn | induction coil | 感應圈
kafm'erngtien | induced electricity | 感應電
kafm'exng | reaction or response to some outer stimuli; feel and respond; induction (in physics) | 感應
kafm'exng-sexng | irritability | 感應性; 刺激感受性
kafm'm | would it not be | 感無; 豈不
kafm'oo | shallow bamboo | 篚壺; 𥴊壺; 大竹盤; 大籮筐
kafm'u | have it? | 豈有; 感有
kafm'wn | grateful for favor | 感恩
kafm'wn-topøx | grateful for kindness and seeking a way to recompense it | 感恩圖報
kafm'yn | grateful for favor | 感恩
kafm'øe | perhaps; will it be like that? | 能嗎; 會無會; 感會
kafmzog-kafm'uii | have the courage to do what one believes should be done | 敢作敢為
khor cin kafm laai | The happy sunny days are coming after all the hardship endured | 苦盡甘來
simtien kafm'exng | mental telepathy; Extra sensory perception; ESP | 心電感應
siuxtiøh kafm'exng | be influenced by; be moved to do | 受到感應
sym kafm zeeng goan | be totally willing; willingly | 心甘情願
tøhterng ny kafm | As easy as picking up the orange on the table ─ easy as falling off a log | 桌上取柑; (易如反掌)
zexngtien kafm'exng | electrostatic induction | 靜電感應

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