"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kau

baxnguu kau sayjiø | put off work; slow to get started (Lit. A sluggish ox leaves a lot of manure and urine.) | 慢牛厚屎尿; 懶牛屎尿多
bixnphoee kau | brazen faced; shameless; impudent; cheeky | 臉皮厚
bøkee giaa kau'ie | look for trouble | 無枷抬交椅; 自找麻煩
kau cie | the fruit has many seeds | 厚子
kau ciuo | strong liquors | 厚酒
kau khiernsngr | very superstitious | 厚譴損; 很迷信
kau lefsox | very formal; very ceremonious | 多禮; 厚禮數
kau | thick; strong (as liquor; coffee); dense; abundant | 厚; 多; 濃
kau'aam | culvert | 溝涵
kau'ar | drain | 溝仔; 鉤仔; 水溝; 鉤子
kau'ek | transaction; trading; bargaining; business | 交易
kau'iar | open spaces beyond the city (archaic) | 郊野; 原野
kau'ie | arm chair (Chinese style) | 交椅; 太師椅
kau'irn | seduce; tempt | 勾引
kau'iuo | to make friends | 交友; 交友,交朋友
kau'iuu | go picnic, go for a walk; have friendly contact with | 郊遊; 交遊
kau'oar | hook | 鉤倚
kau'orng | have friendly relations | 交往
kau'un | have everything going one's way; be favored by Lady Luck | 交運
kau-bixnphøee | brazen-faced | 厚面皮; 厚臉皮
kau-pvixthviax | sickly | 交病痛; 厚病疼; 多病的; 交戾
kau-serngte | hot-tempered | 厚性地
kau-serngtøe | hot-tempered | 厚性地
kau-taixcix | burdened with troubles | 交代誌; 多麻煩
kau-tuttud | very thick | 厚突突; 很厚

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