"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kaux

Iasof-kaux | Christian Church, Protestant Church | 耶穌教; 基督教
Kitog-kaux | Christianity ─ usually means non-Catholic Christianity | 基督教
Lama-kaux | Lamaism | 喇嘛教
Mobuun-kaux | Mormon Church | 摩門教
Peqlieen-kaux | White Lotus, a religious and political movement that originated in China in the late 13th century | 白蓮教
Sintø-kaux | Shintoism | 神道會; 神道教
Thienzuo-kaux | Roman Cathoric Church | 天主教
bad bøkaux | do not know sufficiently | 識無夠; 學得不夠
bøkaux chixn | weigh anything lighter than it should be | 無夠秤
bøkaux | insufficient, not enough | 無夠; 不夠
bøkaux`tiøh | not enough; insufficient | 無夠著
bøo sviu kaux | did not consider so far | 沒想到
ciah kaux... hoex | live to the age of… years | 活到 …歲
ciah-bøkaux | not enough to eat | 吃無夠; 無夠吃
engbøkaux | insufficient for use | 無夠用; 用無夠
guu khankhix kaux Pakkviaf iao si guu | unchangeable; remains the same; character is difficult to improve (Lit. If you lead a cow to Beijing; it is still a cow.) | 牛牽到北京還是牛; 永遠改無掉壞習慣
kaux | arrive; to reach (a place; time; quantity); come to an end (a finish)--at games of cards etc | 到; 教; 夠
khuxn bøkaux biin | want of sleep | 睡無夠眠; 沒睡足
khvoax-kaux | saw (something) | 看到
korng kaux zøx kaux | practice one's promise | 說到做到
phaq cidky ho y kaux | lay down a card (a piece) in order to make him win; to get a person into trouble | 打一枝乎伊夠; 想法子讓他受罪
pøløbuun-kaux | Brahmanism | 婆羅門教
suii thoaan suii kaux | be available for an immediate summons to court | 隨傳隨到
sviuxbøkaux | to one's surprise; unexpected; think about without coming to a conclusion | 想沒到; 沒想到
thaau kaux bøea | from the beginning to the end | 從頭到尾
tøsiin-kaux | polytheistic religions | 多神教
zuun kaux kiøthaau zuxjieen tit | It will take care of itself when the time comes. Let's cross that bridge when we come to it | 船到橋頭自然直。

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