"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kea

bøsym kea uxix | feign interest | 無心假有意
ciefn kea | fry steamed cakes | 煎糕
kateeng-kea'oe | family planning | 家庭計劃
kea khaf | stepping stone | 跂跤
kea | counterfeit, forge, impersonate, pretend | 假
kea'aau | pass through the throat; be swallowed | 過喉; 吞下喉
kea'afng | marry a husband | 出嫁; 嫁翁
kea'ar | shelf; small frame; set of shelves | 架仔
kea'au | afterwords | 過後
kea'egsw | prospectus (of a business setup or factory) | 計劃書
kea'egtiofng | under consideration; in the works | 計劃中
kea'ek | plan; a scheme; a program; to plan; to devise | 計畫; 計劃
kea'ek-sengsarn | planned parenthood; production according to plan | 計劃生產
kea'ix | peace of mind | 過意
kea'mngg | cross the threshold | 過門
kea'oe | plan; a scheme; a program; to plan; to devise | 計畫; 計劃
kea'oeh | plan; project; plan on; program | 計畫; 計劃
kea'orng-khailaai | carry on the tradition so as to pave the way for future generations | 繼往開來
kea-binzuo | bogus democracy | 假民主
kea-kutlat | pretend to be industrious | 假骨力; 假裝勤勉
kea`ee | fake | 假的
niaw khaux niawchie kea uxsym | pretend to be sad (Lit. The cat cries over the death of a rat.) | 貓哭耗子假慈悲。
paai-kea'ar | a street vendor | 攤販仔
thongpvoaa kea'oe | draw up a complete scheme; overall plan | 全盤計劃
tochi kea'oe | urban development plan; urban renewal plan | 都市計劃
voafkøkea | salty rice pudding | 碗糕粿
zhef kea | steamed rice cake | 炊粿

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