"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khafng

bagciw-khafng | eye socket | 目睭孔; 眼眶
bøkhafng bøsurn | not important; of no consequence or significance | 無孔無榫; 無關緊要的
bøkhafng | have no money; stingy | 無孔; 沒錢; 吝嗇; 無是辦法
bøkhafng-bøsurn | is bored; no hole and tenon; useless | 無孔無榫; 無聊
khafng hvoahie | fruitless joy | 空歡喜
khafng | hollow; empty; vain; false | 空; 孔
khafng-ngrbang | empty hope | 空希望
khafng`ee | empty | 空的
khazhngf-khafng | the anus, the fundament | 尻川孔; 尻川空
khofbøkhafng | to feel miserable due to lack of opportunity | 苦無孔
køeh'e-khafng | armpit | 腋窩孔; 胳下空; 腋下
liuar-khafng | a button hole | 鈕扣孔
mxsi-khafng | it's no joke; precautions should be taken, powerful rival | 毋是空; 一是味兒; 不是玩兒的
na'aau-khafng | (n) voice | 嚨喉孔; 咽喉; 嗓門
niawzhuo-khafng | holes where rats hide | 鳥鼠洞
sayhak-khafng | a privy | 屎礐孔

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