"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bøkixm bøkhi ciah pahji | There is no taboo; you can live to be a hundred | 無禁無忌吃百二
e cioong khiør zhud | The mouth is the primary source of calamities (literally)--Careless talk may land one in trouble | 禍從口出
khi | fear; a fear (usually superstitious); shun; prohibit or proscribe (usually for superstitious purposes); avoid; be envious of; to hate; (ki means death anniversary); persimmon | 忌; 柿
khi'ab | oppress; oppression; cheat and oppress | 欺壓
khi'ar | small persimmon | 柿仔; 臺灣黑壇
khi'ar-seg | persimmon color | 柿仔色
khiøh'angtiafm'ar | car game to gather diamonds and hearts | 抾紅點仔
khiøh'oar | (v) gather together | 拾倚; 收攏; 聚攏
khiøh'oaxn | harbor deep resentment | 抱恨; 記仇; 拾怨; 懷恨
khiøhbin | arrange nice goods on the surface | 拾面; 選較佳較大的貨品排於表面
khiøhcvii | collect money; call for contributions of money | 集錢; 募捐; 拾錢
khiøhgyn'ar | gives birth to the child; to reproduce; deliver; give birth to a child; child birth | 生孩子; 拾囝仔; 接生
khiøhheng | had a plan to do so | 蓄意
khiøhhin | harbor deep resentment | 抾恨
khiøhhongsuie | take up a dead body and bury elsewhere; to collect the bones in an urn; re-burial; re-interment | 拾風水; 撿骨
khiøhhun | harbor deep resentment; watch for an opportunity of revenge | 抱恨; 抾恨; 記仇; 拾恨; 懷恨
khiøhji | set up type; type-setting | 排字; 揀字; 拾字
khiøhjixzoar`ee | scavengers | 抾字紙的
khiøhkak | utterly useless (child, utility) | 抾捔; 不中用; 沒出息; 拾捔
khiøhkerng | making pleat; make folds or plaits (in a dress); get wrinkled (face of an old person) | 拾揀; 抾襇; 打摺; 摺褶; 打褶子
khiøhkhafng | to pick fault | 挑剔; 拾孔
khiøhkheq | greeting to customers for business | 拾客; 招徠客人
khiøhkhiøq`leq | put in order (room), pick them up | 拾拾咧
khiøhkhykhaf ciu kviaa | get up on one's two feet then walk away immediately | 提腳就走; 拾起腳就走
khiøhkhykhaf | get up on one's two feet | 拾起腳
khiøhkie'ar | sharpen sawteeth | 拾齒仔; 將鋸齒磨利
khiøhkud | picking up bones | 拾骨; 撿骨
khiøhkviafbuo | midwife | 抾囝母
khiøhkym | collect the bones of the dead for re-burial | 撿骨; 拾金
khiøhlixzoar`ee | scavengers | 抾字紙的
khiøhparn | set type | 拾板; 排版
khiøhphiaq | to feel enraged | 嘔氣; 鬧彆扭; 拾癖
khiøhpuxn | gather manure | 堆肥; 拾肥
khiøhsex | tax | 抾稅
khiøhsiong | portrait; portray | 畫像; 拾像
khiøhsip | economize; scrape and screw | 節儉; 拾拾
khiøhsiøoar | put together | 拾相倚; 收在一起
khiøhsiøq | habitually careful that nothing be lost or wasted | 節儉; 無浪費; 拾惜
khiøhsoex | taxation; levy a rate; collect taxes | 課稅; 拾稅
khiøhtiau | toss away | 撿掉; 拾掉
khiøhtiøh cvii | pick up (find) money on the ground | 拾到錢
khiøhtiøh tisae | bad luck | 比喻運氣無佳; 拾著豬屎
khiøhtiøh | pick up (find) money on the ground | 抾著
khiøhzee | put together | 撿齊; 拾齊
khiøhzhaa | picking up wood; collect firewood | 撿柴; 拾柴
khiøhzuie | collect water from the source | 抾水
khiøq bah'iuo'ar | take advantage of occasion | 拾肉幼仔; 趁機會
khiøq gyn'ar | deliver a child | 拾囝仔; 接生
khiøq kutthaau | collect the bones of the dead for re-burial | 撿骨頭; 拾骨頭
khiøq parn | set up print | 排字; 拾版
khiøq tengcvii | collect money for village purposes; plays; at so much a head | 募集丁錢; 拾丁錢
khiøq zørhoea | gather things together | 收集在一起; 拾做伙
khiøq | pick up; pick up; to gather; bear (a child); sharpen (a saw) | 拾; 抾; 修描; 撿
khiøq-khylaai | pick up (an object) | 撿起來
khiøq`khylaai | pick up | 拾起來
khiøq`tiøh | found it | 拾著
khiørsiin | superstitious | 迷信; 竅神
khiørsiuo | kowtow to the ground | 叩首
khiøx | kill a person to prevent him from disclosing a secret | 筧*
pve cioong khiør jip | diseases enter by the mouth (Therefore; one should be careful in his diet or eating habits) | 病從口入

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