aux`khix | rotten | 腐去; 腐臭了
baa`khix | numbed | 麻去
bad khix | have the experience of going | 識去; 曾去
bafng`khix | being caught by a nets | 網去; 抓走了
ban`khix | late | 慢去; 遲了
bao`khix | windfall profit | 卯去; 貿去; 賺去
baq kiw`khix | muscular dystrophy | 肉縮去
bee`khix | addict to | 迷去; 迷走了
bextaxng khix | cannot manage to go | 未當去; 無能去
bextitthafng khix | cannot manage to go | 未得通去; 無能去
biern khix | no need to go | 免去
biern`khix | no need to go | 免去
biet`khix | got destroy | 滅去; 滅掉口
bii`khix | fell to sleep | 寐去
boeq khix | you (or he) are going | 要去
bøe`khix | sold it away | 無去; 賣去
bøea`khix | bought it away | 買去
bøkhix | to pass away; to die; (v) lose; death; deadly; disappear; fade away | 沒去; 無氣
bøo khix | missing, to disappear | 無去
bøo`khix | disappear; none; didn't go | 無去; 消失; 沒了
bøo`khix`aq | gone; dead, died | 沒去了
bøtaxng khix | no place to go | 無處去
chiaf`khix | pushed away | 推去
chiongtør`khix | be crushed or knocked down by a flood | 沖倒去
chiqpvie`khix | be crushed flat with the hand | 壓扁去
chviuo`khix | to wrest, to snatch | 搶去
ciah`khix | (v) work hard for sth; eat up | 吃去; 被騙
cih`khix | fold off | 折去
cinkhongkoarn kiafmphøkhix | vacuum valve detector | 真空管檢波器
ciør`khix | diminish, become little | 少去
cviu`khix | (v) go upwards | 上去
eng chiuo thvar`khix | carry away on the open palm; a sharp pushing blow delivered with the open palm(s) (Chinese boxing) | 用手推去; 用手頂去
etør`khix | knock down by jostling | 推倒去; 以手肘推倒
gang`khix | be dumbfounded | 錯愕; 發呆; 愣住了; 卬卬去
gaxnggang`khix | be dumbfounded | 愣住了; 錯愕; 卬卬去
gong`khix | daydream; lost in thought | 茫然; 傻住了; 憨去
goong`khix | A foolish maternal grandmother loves her daughter's children | 發暈; 昏了; 昂去
gve chviuo`khix | snatch away | 硬搶去
gø sarn`khix | emaciated from hunger | 餓瘦去
hai`khix | rotton | 害去; 壞掉
hied`khix | abandon | 拋去
hiw`khix | divorced | 休去
ho toaxzuie koaq`khix | be washed away by flood | 被大水割去
hoef sia`khix | withered | 花謝去
hun`khix | in faint; swoon; to faint; lose consciousness | 暈去; 昏去; 昏暈; 昏過去
høea sid`khix | the fire has gone out | 火熄去
høkhix | friendly agreeable; pleasant; gentle | 和氣
iongtioong jii khix | stride away without looking back; take leave rudely; proudly hold one's head high while striding away | 揚長而去
iølaai iøkhix | swagger; along; swing to and fro | 搖來搖去
jiog`khix | run after; to chase; to pursue | 追去
jip`khix | get in | 入去
juu`khix | messy | 如去; 混亂去
keg`khix | change (and innovate) | 革去
khiaw`khix | dead | 死去; 翹去
khiefn`khix | to fling away | 擲去
khiptiin-khix | a vacuum-cleaner | 吸塵器
khix ong | a vigorous personal constitution or structure | 氣旺; 血氣旺盛
khix | angry; vital principle which pervades human body; go; angry | 去; 氣
khuxn`khix | to go to bed; to go to sleep | 睏去; 入眠; 睡著; 睡覺
khvoarbøe-løh`khix | can't keep looking | 看未落去; 看不下去
khy`khix | to slant; slanting; leaning | 敧去; 傾斜掉
khyhvoa kiw`khix | receding gums | 牙齦縮起; 牙齦萎縮
kiab`khix | robbed (something); plundered | 劫走; 劫去
kiarm`khix | subtracted; decreased | 減去
kiax`khix | sent | 寄去
kiefn`khix | freezed; coagulated; congealed | 凝去; 乾硬去
kiw`khix | shrinked; shortened; reduced | 縮去
koaykoae`khix | swindle | 拐拐去
koo`khix | become pulp | 糊去; 煮爛
koong`khix | crazy | 狂去
kud tng`khix | fracture | 骨斷去
kvar khix mxkvar korng | angry but not daring to speak out | 敢怒無敢言
kviaa`khix | to die; impassable; uncrossable; inflexible; rigid | 死去
kvoar`khix | to rush to; to hurry to | 趕去
køex`khix | in the past | 過去
køq køex`khix | next | 擱過去; 再過去
lag`khix | drop down | 掉去
lau`khix | pass away; die; become old | 老去; 老死
liah`khix | to arrest, to take away with force | 捉去
liao`khix | to fall short; suffer loss; run into deficit | 了去; 虧損
liefn`khix | dried up | 萎去
lixkhuy`khix | leave; depart; apart; move away from | 離開去
lixsym-khix | a centrifuge | 離心器
lixzuie-khix | water filter | 離水器; 濾水器
maix khix | Don't go | 無要去
mauq`khix | atrophy | 癟去; 洩氣而萎縮
mof`khix | steal | 摸去; 偷走
moq`khix | to become hollow or sunk down | 癟去; 壓平
mxbiern khix | no need to go | 毋免去
nawkyn tng`khix | ruptured blood vessel in the brain; apoplexy | 腦筋斷去; 血管斷裂; 中風
noa`khix | rotton | 爛去; 腐爛
o'iuo`khix | be reduced to ashes; be burnt down; come to naught | 烏有去; 成泡影
oar`khix | lean on; come over | 倚去
pafng`khix | to collapse | 崩去; 倒毀
paxng kuozai y khix | let him alone; let him go his own way | 放任他; 任由他去
phahbøkhix | lost | 拍無去
phahbøo`khix | lose, let be lost | 打無去; 拍無去; 遺失; 掉了,
phahlud`khix | let something slip out of place | 搓脫去; 弄脫掉
phak of`khix | get browned; tanned; blackened by the sun | 晒黑去
phaq bøo`khix | lose; make something vanish | 失無去; 遺失
phaq zao`khix | drive away; put to flight | 打走去
phoax`khix | broken | 破去
phurnbu-khix | vaporizer (spray) | 噴霧器
phurnzuie-khix | water sprayer | 噴水池; 噴水器
phvae`khix | rotton | 壞去; 壞了
pof`khix | withered; decayed consumed with dry rot | 枯去
putkøx jii khix | left without announcing his departure | 不告而去
pviaf`khix | throw over | 丟去
pviax`khix | dash to fight | 拼去; 打勝
pvoaf`khix | to carry away; move out | 搬去; 搬走
pøef`khix | flew away | 飛去
sag`khix | push away | 推去
sakkhuy`khix | push away | 推開去
siaflag`khix | write out | 寫掉去
siag`khix | dash on the ground | 摔去
siau'ym-khix | sound muffler | 消音器
sie-bøkhix | was at the point of death; then recovered; escaped death by a hair's breadth | 死無去; 死裏逃生
sie`khix | to die; to pass away | 死去
siekøex-khix | having gone everywhere; widely traveled | 四界去; 闖遍各地
sii`khix | resign and go | 辭去
siin`khix | preoccupied; out of mind | 神去
siw`khix | put away | 收去
siøf`khix | petty minded; mean spirited | 小氣
siøkhix | central heating | 暖氣
sngx-tva`khix | counted wrongly | 數誤去
soafn`khix | escape | 旋去
soaq`khix | let go; uncare; aloof | 煞去
svoarsvoax`khix | be scattered; to be wholly scattered all in different directions; in confusion and disorder | 散散去
svoax`khix | to disperse, to drop away | 散去
sym peeng khix høo | be in a calm mood | 心平氣和
søf`khix | be seduced, be stolen | 唆去; 被拐走
søkhix | snek away | 趖去
sølaai-søkhix | crawl or walk about here and there | 逛來逛去; 爬來爬去
taai`khix | buried | 埋去
tah-kut`khix | to stumble by treading on a slippery or slushy place | 踩滑去
tah-liw`khix | miss one's footing; one's foot slips | 踩滑去
taqpvie`khix | to flatten by treading on | 踩扁去
teh-hai`khix | spoilt by being crushed | 壓壞去
tehtør`khix | collapsed under the weight | 壓塌去
thaukhak'voar phoax`khix | skull fracture | 頭蓋碗破去
thauzhoa`khix | abduct, kidnap | 偷娶去; 偷𤆬去; 拐走
thaw`khix | stolen | 偷去
theakhuy`khix | step aside | 退開去
theh`khix | take, take away | 拿去; 拿走
thiok'ym-khix | gramophone, phonograph | 蓄音器
thoad`khix | to take off | 拖去
thoaf`khix | drag | 拖去
thvaf`khix | with the palms turned outwards fend off (an attack) | 托去
thviaf-mxtiøh`khix | heard wrongly or incorrectly; misunderstood; make a mistake in hearing | 聽無錯去
thwn-bøe løh`khix | unable to swallow; unpleasant to swallow; unable to defraud a man as we intended | 吞無落去
thøex`khix | withdrew | 退去
tiam`khix | be stopped, have stopped | 恬去
tiaucied-khix | a controller; a conditioner | 調節器
tiaxmtiam'ar jip`khix | in silently; steal into; enter without knocking | 恬恬仔進去; 偷偷地進去
tidtit-khix | go straight ahead | 直直去
tikøf khafn tuix guhy khix | to bring a boar to the cow market put the saddle on the wrong horse (literally) | 張冠李戴; 牛頭無對馬嘴
tng`khix | broken; severed | 斷去
tngr`khix | go back | 回去; 轉去
toat`khix | to take away by force | 奪去
toax-bøe løh`khix | cannot accommodate (because of limitation of space) | 住無落下
toax`khix | to take away | 大去; 帶去
toex`khix | follow | 綴去
tuiehiaf-khix | going toward there, toward that direction | 對那去; 對遐去
tutuu`khix | removed | 除除去
tuu`khix | expel, remove, take away | 除去
tva`khix | made mistake | 誤去
tvia`khix | stop | 定去
tøkhix | naughty; annoying; mischievous | 淘氣; 淘器
tøo`khix | ran away | 逃去
tørtngr`khix | turn around and go back | 返轉去
tøx`khix | to go back; to return | 倒去; 回去
ym`khix | be flooded, be inundated | 淹去
zafng`khix | take away | 提去
zao`khix | ran away | 走去
zawbøo`khix | unable to leave | 走無去
zefng`khix | hit it | 衝去
zefngliuu-khix | a rectifier, a commutator | 整流器
zhad`khix | painted | 擦去
zhaosngf`khix | turn sour | 醙酸去
zhaux`khix | become bad smelly | 袍去; 臭掉
zhek'vii-khix | a cyclometer | 惻圓器; 測圓器; 週期計
zhoah`khix | go diagonally | 斜去
zhud`khix | get out | 出去
zhuo`khix | to take away | 取去
zngf-bøe løh`khix | no more space to cram it in; can not hold any more | 裝無下
zoong`khix | rush | 奔去
zuie siaw`khix | water has been drained off; flood waters have abated | 水消去; 水退去
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