"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khuy

giaa`khuy | move something out of the way (e.g.; chair) | 拿開; 抬開
giaq`khuy | pierce through; leak a secret | 戳開
hiap`khuy | move and shake to open | 拹開; 左右搖開
hiefn`khuy | remove the seal; uncovered | 掀開
huun khuy kviejit | turn of fortune for the better (When the clouds part; the sun comes out.) | 雲開見日
kefng`khuy | spread to open | 弓開
keq`khuy | separate | 隔開
khuy ciphiøx | draw a check | 開支票
khuy hoatphiøx | write an (uniform) invoice | 開發票
khuy iaxchiaf | burn the midnight oil; work late into the night; to study at night (Lit. ride the night train or bus) | 開夜車
khuy iøqhngf | write out a medical prescription | 開藥方
khuy iøqtvoaf | write out a medical prescription | 開藥單
khuy khoaechiaf | (said of a car; etc.) to speed; speeding; to hasten up with one's work; to catch up with working schedule | 開快車
khuy oanchiøx | to play a joke; to joke | 開玩笑
khuy zuylo | open a water way; make a canal | 開水路
khuy | open; begin; make out (a bill or a prescription); to dig (a well); to bloom | 開
khuy'vi | peculiar, uncommon | 開異; 詭異
khuy-tøfchiaf | to back a car; train; cte.; to be old-fashioned or anachronistic; to turn back the clock; to retrograde | 開倒車
khuy`khuy | (v) open up wide | 開開; 打開; 敞開
leh`khuy | split open | 裂開
leq`khuy | slit open (with a knife) | 裂開
li bøe khuy | not getting away from; unable to separate from | 離無開
lih`khuy | split open | 裂開
lix`khuy | to open by tearing (as envelope) | 撕開
paxng`khuy | let go | 放開
phoax`khuy | split | 破開
phvii`khuy | evenly spread | 平開; 均開
pid`khuy | split | 必開
poaq`khuy | poke | 撥開
siarm`khuy | stay away | 閃開
simhoef khuy | heart blossoming ─ be brimming with joy; feel very happy | 心花開
sviu khaq-khuy`leq | Don't take it (failure; misfortune) too seriously. Cheer up! | 想開
tefngkhviw lih`khuy | cleft palate | 上顎裂
thaai`khuy | cut(fruits) | 削開
thao`khuy | open | 敨開
thie`khuy | open | 褫開
tvoa`khuy | hit to break it up | 彈開
zheg khaq-khuy | widen a gap or distance | 測較開; 隔開一點

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