"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khvoax

bøkhvoax | din't watch | 無看
cin khvoax lie | be decided by you; It is up to you | 盡看你; 全部看你的了
hoaa khvoax | rough estimate | 計算看看
khia koansvoaf khvoax bea siøthad | look on unconcerned | 豎高山看馬相踢; 袖手旁觀
khvoarliao køq khvoax | take a look; see again and again | 看了擱看
khvoax chiwsioxng | read palm as a means of fortune-telling; to practice palmistry | 看手相
khvoax hongsuie | practice geomancy in selecting a site for a tomb | 看風水
khvoax kihoe | look for a chance; opportunity | 看機會
khvoax laang bøbagte | look down upon others | 看人無目地; 看無起人家
khvoax laang mxkhie | treat a person with contempt | 看人未起; 看無起人家; 瞧不起人
khvoax laang-thaubin | rely on others and have to watch their every expression | 看人頭面; 依賴他人
khvoax paxnsex | watch how affairs are going | 看辦勢; 看情形
khvoax texlie | practice geomancy in selecting a site for a building | 看地理
khvoax thviseg | watch the signs of the weather | 看天色
khvoax viu | follow (some one's) example | 看 ...的樣; 學 ...的樣
khvoax y køeakøex | have the upper hand; be able to overcome him with the utmost ease; hold a person cheap; undervalue | 看他過過; 吃定了他
khvoax | look at; observe; watch over; examine | 看
khvoax-bøbeeng | did not see clearly | 看無明; 沒看清楚
khvoax-bøexbeeng | cannot see distinctly | 看未明; 看無清楚
khvoax-bøexcviuxbak | cannot set a high value on; look down on | 看無上眼; 看不起
khvoax-bøexhiao | see but not comprehended | 看無懂
khvoax-bøexkhie | to look down upon; to despise | 看無起
khvoax-bøexkhix | I can't look at all of them (The time is so short; there are so many) | 看無了; 看不完; 看未去
khvoax-bøexkoaxn | detest; to disdain | 看無慣
khvoax-bøexzhud | cannot distinguish; cannot look | 看無出; 看袂出; 看不出; 不能辨別
khvoax-bøkhie | look down upon; despise | 看無起
khvoax-bøo | cannot find; look but not see (sometimes has the meaning of not know how to) | 看無; 看無懂; 看不到
khvoax-bøtiøh | did not manage to see it (from my coming too late or my not being near enough; though it really was there) | 看無到; 沒有看到
khvoax-hiexnhien | see clearly; be seen clearly | 看現現; 顯露的; 易見的
khvoax-kah'ix | feel satisfied with; prefer; to like | 看甲意; 看中
khvoax-kaq sinsiin | looking intently | 看甲神神; 看得發呆
khvoax-kaux | saw (something) | 看到
khvoax-koarnsix | used to seeing; accustomed to seeing | 看慣勢; 看慣
khvoax-køeakøex | look down upon; despise | 看過過; 看無起; 看穿
khvoax-seabin | it seems; it looks as if | 看勢面; 看情形; 察言觀色
khvoax-uxkhie | to have a high opinion of; to respect; thinks highly of | 看有起; 看得起
khvoax`khylaai | looks like | 看起來
khvoax`kvix | saw; to see (with one's eyes) | 看見
khvoax`laai | It seems, It appears | 看來
khvoax`tiøh | watch; glimpse; clap eyes on; get a view of | 看著; 看見
liah y khvoax`cide | give a glance at him | 瞄他一下
mxhør khvoax | not pretty; Don't look! | 毋好看; 不要看
niau'niaw-khvoax | expect to see someone who never came | 貓貓看; 望眼欲穿
paxng bøo khvoax`kvix | pretend not to see; let it go | 假裝看無見
phaq kao khvoax zwlaang | forgive someone for the sake of a related person (Lit. Consider its master before beating a dog.) | 打狗看主人
phaybixnsiøkhvoax | evil face | 歹面相看
phvaybixnsiøkhvoax | look bad | 歹面相看
siøkhvoax | look at one another | 相看
thaw khvoax | peeping; cheat | 偷看
tvex-bøo khvoax`kvix | pretend not to see | 假裝沒有看到

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