"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kib

jienbii-cy-kib | matter as urgent as if the eyebrows had caught fire | 燃眉之急
jiin kib tix sefng | in a crisis a man becomes wise | 人急智生
kib | anxious; urgent; grade; hasty; hurried; anxious; urgent; uneasy | 岌; 急; 級
kib-serngtøe | quick-tempered, impatient | 急性地
kibøea | the end of the term | 期末
kibøea-khøfchix | final examination | 期尾考試
kibøefkhør | final examination | 期末考
køkib | high-class; advanced; high-ranking; deluxe; high-class | 高級
køkib-chixtviuu | high class market | 高級市場
køkib-tionghak | senior high school | 高級中學; 高中
køkib-zhamboo | senior staff officer | 高級參謀
tongbu cy kib | pressing obligation; business or task of the greatest urgency at present | 當務之急
zeeng kib tix sefng | Good ideas come at times of crisis | 情急智生
zoex-køkib | superlative | 最高級

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