"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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cibthoaan kiet'hwn | mass wedding | 集團結婚
hietzok kiet'hwn | consanguineous marriage | 血族結婚
høkiet | hero; man of outstanding talent; intelligence and courage | 豪傑
khok køq kiet | stingy; miserly | 虯擱潔; 儉吝嗇
kiet | niggardly, barren | 瘠; 吝嗇的
kiet'afciab | orange juice | 桔仔汁
kiet'afkøf | preserved limes | 桔仔膏; 桔餞; 吝嗇
kiet'afpviar | orange, sugar, and ginger mixed cooky | 桔仔餅
kiet'ar | small orange; lime | 桔子; 桔仔; 橘仔
kiet'axn | to conclude a case; wind up a case | 結案
kiet'hap | to get united; to form an alliance; to get married; combination; union; unite; join together | 結合
kiet'hap-kakto | bond angle | 結合角度
kiet'hap-leeng | bond energy | 結合能
kiet'hap-sexng | bonding | 結合性
kiet'hap-tngto | bond distance, bond length | 結合長度
kiet'hap-zhuosox | (chem.) bond order | 結合次素; 結合次數
kiet'hiofng | fate; good luck or bad; lucky and unlucky | 吉凶; 吉兇
kiet'hoad | disclose; revelation | 揭發; 結髮
kiet'hoad-huzhef | legally married couple ─ the first marriage for both husband and wife | 結髮夫妻
kiet'hoe | apply for purchase of foreign exchange from state banks; sell foreign exchange earned to state banks (said of importers) | 結匯
kiet'hudkhurn | tubercle bacillus | 結核菌
kiet'hudpve | tuberculosis | 結核病
kiet'hunseg | wedding; nuptials | 結婚式; 結婚典禮
kiet'hut hongti-tiongsym | T.B. prevention and treatment center | 結核防治中心
kiet'hut | tubercule | 結核
kiet'hut-pvexvi | T.B. hospital | 結核醫院
kiet'hviesag | to throw away | 擲拋丟
kiet'hwn | marriage; to get married; wedding | 結婚
kiet'hwn-seg | wedding ceremony | 結婚式; 結婚儀式
kiet'hwn-tiefnlea | wedding; nuptials | 結婚典禮; 結婚式
kiet'hwn-zerngsw | certificate of marriage | 結婚證書
kiet'ieen | to associate on good terms; (in Buddhism) to form a connection; e.g. for future salvaion; form a connection with a person | 結緣
kiet'iog | to conclude a treaty; agreement; etc. | 結約
kiet'iokkui | Ark of the Covenant (Catholic) | 結約櫃
kiet'ngg-seg | orange color | 桔黃色
kiet'oafn | to contract animus; enmity; hatred; ill-will; etc.; become enemies | 結冤
kiet'oaxn | arouse ill-will; dislike | 結怨
kiet'og ciøzof | house for rent; house to let | 吉屋招租
kixnchyn-kiet'hwn | intermarriage | 近親結婚
kongzexng kiet'hwn | marriage legalized by a notary only | 公證結婚
kongzexng-kiet'hwn | married by a justice of the peace | 公證結婚
køkiet | high-minded, magnanimous | 高潔; 心地高尚
liogliim høkiet | highwaymen; robbers | 綠林豪傑
loan'aix kiet'hwn | love match; love marriage | 戀愛結婚
piebit kiet'hwn | secret wedding; clandestine marriage | 秘密結婚
svoaf-kiet'ar | Taiwan lemon | 山桔仔

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