"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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anzoaan-kii | safe period | 安全期
beeng huu kii sit | name matches reality; be worthy of name | 名符其實
beeng køx kii sit | have an exaggerated reputation | 名過其實
bogbeeng kii biau | very mysterious and abstruse; very strange; peculiar | 莫明其妙
buo-kii | Chinese chess | 武棋; 象棋
but cin kii iong | Every thing should be used to its full extent | 物盡其用
chiamhok-kii | incubation period, latent period | 潛伏期
ciamhok-kii | incubation period, latent period | 潛伏期
cin kii sor iuo | give all one has | 盡其所有
cin kii sor leeng | work to the best of one's ability | 盡其所能
cin kii sor tioong | work to the best of one's ability | 盡其所長
gieen køx kii sit | exaggerate; to boast or brag | 言過其實
gvofsex kii chiofng | May you prosper for five generations! | 五世其昌
hoat'iok-kii | period of growth | 發育期; 發育時期
hongthay-kii | typhoon season | 風颱期; 颱風期
høkii | a draw in chess; chess game that ends in a tie or draw | 和棋; 下棋無分輸贏
iøkii | to wave a flag | 搖旗
jim kii sor uii | let him do as he pleases | 任其所為
kengciar iuo kii tieen | land to the tiller (final phase of the land reform program on Taiwan) | 耕者有其田
khag iuo kii su | It actually happened | 確有其事
kii hoong tegchiuo | opponents of equal strength; capability; evenly matched opponents | 棋逢敵手
kii khay teksexng | win in the first battle; game; match | 旗開得勝
kii køf ittiok | be superior in intelligence; stratagem; skill etc.; to one's opponent | 棋高一著
kii lok bukioong | boundless joy | 其樂無窮
kii moar | at the expiration of the period; term expired | 滿期; 期滿
kii | flag; a period of time; branching off; odd; prayall forms of chess game; his; her; its; he; she; it; this; that | 旗; 期; 岐; 奇; 祈; 祁; 棋; 畸; 畿; 虯; 綦; 其
liofngzoaan kii bie | profit both parties or attain two objectives by a single act; arrange a matter so that both sides profit | 兩全其美
pailoarn-kii | the period of ovulation | 排卵期
penghøkii | ice age | 冰河期
phethay-kii | embryonic period, gestation period | 胚胎期
porciorng-kii | seedtime | 播種期
putkex kii sox | numberless; countless; innumerable | 無計其數
pvoarsiu-kii | half-life | 半壽期
pvoarsoef-kii | half-life | 半衰期
sun kii zuxjieen | let nature take its course; in accordance with its natural tendency | 順其自然
suzhwn-kii | puberty | 思春期
thefng kii zuxjieen | let it take its own course | 聽其自然
togsien kii syn | keep oneself clean and pure; conduct oneself virtuously | 獨善其身
zu sit kii kør | reap what one has sown; suffer the consequences of one's own deeds | 自食其果
zu sit kii lek | live by one's own wits | 自食其力
zuxoaan kii soad | make one's story sound plausible | 自圓其說

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