"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Lienpafng-tiauzaf-kiok | Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States | 聯邦調查局
bøkiok | wasted; without effect | 乏味; 徒然; 無劇
høkiok | to drawn game; to tie; tie or draw in a contest | 和局
iambu-kiok | salt monopoly | 鹽務局
iar-kiok'hoef | chamomile | 野菊花
kafngbu-kiok | harbor bureau | 港務局
kefngzhad-kiok | police station | 警察局
khiesiong-kiok | weather broadcast bureau | 氣象局
kiok | drama; intense; strenuous; violent (customarily read kek) | 劇; 局
kiok'afhoef | chrysanthemum | 菊仔花
kiok'ar | chrysanthemum | 菊仔; 菊花
kiok'hoef | chrysanthemum | 菊花
kiok'hoef-tee | infusion made from dried chrysanthemums | 菊花茶
koksøex-kiok | the Department of taxes collection of the national government | 國稅局
konglo-kiok | highway bureau | 公路局
niusit-kiok | food control bureau | 糧食局
peh kiok'hoef | feverfew | 白菊花
piøkiok | dart like weapon office | 鏢局
thihlo-kiok | railway administration | 鐵路局
tiexnsixn-kiok | telecommunications office | 電信局
zengpøx-kiok | the intelligence bureau | 情報局

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