Biaulek-koan | Miaoli County | 苗栗縣
Cianghoax-koan | Changhua County | 彰化縣
Gilaan-koan | Yilan County in Taiwan | 宜蘭縣
Hoalieen-koan | Hualien County | 花蓮縣
Hunliim-koan | Yunlin County | 雲林縣
Kagi-koan-chi | Chiayi County-City | 嘉義縣市
Køhioong-koan | Kaohsiung County | 高雄縣
Lamtaau-koan | Nantou County | 南投縣
Phvi'oo-koan | Penghu County | 彭湖縣
Pintofng-koan | Pingtung County | 屏東縣
Tailaam-koan | Tainan County | 台南縣
Taipag-koan | Taipei County | 台北縣
Taitafng-koan | Taitung County | 台東縣
Taitiofng-koan | Taichung County | 台中縣
Thøhngg-koan | Taoyuan County | 桃園縣
chienchiuo-koan'ym | a Bodhisattva with thousand hands | 千手觀音
hurntø koan'uy | teaching and guiding authority | 訓導權威
koan | county; prefecture; county | 倦; 縣
koan'aix | caring | 關愛
koan'eg | right arising from ownership | 權益
koan'ek | one's right and advantage, right and profit | 權益
koan'iaux | bigwigs; topdogs; powerful persons; confidential | 權要; 關?; 關鍵
koan'ie | highchair | 高椅
koan'ieen | listen what people say | 觀言
koan'ii | in regards to | 關於
koan'immar | goddess of mercy Kwan-yin | 觀音媽
koan'imteeng | temple of Kwan-yin | 觀音亭
koan'imteg | phoenix bamboo | 觀音竹
koan'iuo | own by government | 官有
koan'iuo-tøe | land owned by government | 官有地
koan'ui | high position | 高位
koan'uu | regarding, concerning, in connection with, in respect of | 關於
koan'uy | an authority (in certain sphere of knowledge); power and prestige | 權威
koan'w; koan'ii; koan'uu | concerning; with regard to; regarding | 關於
koan'ym | high-pitched tone | 高音; 懸音
koan'ym-teg | broad leaved lady balm, Hedge bamboo, Koanyin bamboo | 高音竹; 觀音竹; 筋頭竹
koan-zernghuo | county government | 縣政府
laam-koan'ym | tenor | 男高音; 男懸音
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