"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: koarn

bogsw-koarn | pastor's residence. The Manse, the Personage | 牧師館; 牧師住宅
bøkoarn | no matter whether | 無管; 不管
bølaang koarn | no one takes care | 無人管; 自由
ciaosiong-koarn | a photo studio | 照像館; 照相館
gexsut-koarn | art museum | 藝術館
hipsiong-koarn | place for portrait taken | 照像館
isefng-koarn | private hospital; doctor's office; clinic | 醫生館; 醫院
khøhak-koarn | science building | 科學館
koarn engsu | be a meddler; to be a busy-body; meddle with other's affairs | 管閒事
koarn | percussion cap; detonator | 管
koarn'afthad | cork or stopper for a bottle | 瓶子塞
koarn'ag | to water (field, flower, etc.) | 澆灌
koarn'ar | bottle, jar | 罐仔; 罐子
koarn'iong | be in common use; idiomatic; habitual | 慣用
koarn'iong-gie | idiom | 慣用語
koarn'iong-guo | idiom | 慣用語
koarn'iong-hoad | common usage | 慣用法
koarn'ioxnggie | idiom (archaic) | 習慣語; 慣用語
koarn'ioxngkux | an idiom | 慣用語; ( 慣用句)
koarn'uu | used to | 慣於
koarn`laang | to control and take care of a person | 管人
koksuo-koarn | Academia Historica | 國史館
kongsaix-koarn | legation | 公使館
lefngsu-koarn | consulate | 領事館
pirngii-koarn | a funeral home | 殯儀館
siaxzefng-koarn | ejaculatory duc | 射精管
su'nng-koarn | uterine tubes, fallopian tubes | 輸卵管
sujiø-koarn | ureteral catheter | 輸尿館; 輸尿管
tebie koarn'ar | tea leaf container; tea caddy | 茶米罐仔
thefiok-koarn | a gymnasium | 體育館
thiokbogkhøkoarn | animal husbandry museum | 畜牧科館
thongjiø-koarn | uretheral catheter | 通尿管; 輸尿管
tøkoarn engsu | be a meddlesome busybody; poke one's nose into other people's business | 多管閒事
tøxjiø-koarn | urethral catheter | 導尿管

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