"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Bykog kok'hoe | U.S.A. Congress | 美國國會
kok | chuckling; cackling noise made by a fowl | 咯
kok'eeng suxgiap | government enterprise | 國營事業
kok'eeng | government operation; state operated (company) | 國營
kok'ha | sire; your (his) excellency; your honor! | 閣下
kok'haang | each and every trade; all professions; various callings | 各行
kok'hak | national literature; classical literature; the study of the national classics | 國學
kok'hang | each and or every item; each kind; each thing; each item | 各項
kok'hangkokgiap | all the industry and business | 各行各業
kok'hau | primary school | 國校
kok'ho | each household; each family | 各戶
kok'hoad | the laws of the land; or the laws of the nation; national law | 國法
kok'hoaf | national flower | 國花
kok'hoan | state offender | 國犯
kok'hoe gixoaan | member of the National Assembly | 國會議員
kok'hoe | the parliament; diet; congress; etc. of a nation; national assembly | 國會
kok'hoef | national flower | 國花
kok'hongbien | each aspect; every viewpoint; every angle | 各方面
kok'hongbin | each aspect; every viewpoint; every angle | 各方面
kok'hoong | national defense | 國防
kok'hu | Father or founder of a nation; father of the country | 國父
kok'huun | national spirit | 國魂
kok'huy | national emblem | 國徽
kok'hø | the official name of a nation; title of a reigning dynasty | 國號
kok'høex | homemade article; native goods; native products | 國貨
kok'iexn | a statte banquet | 國筵; 國宴
kok'iuo chienchiw | each shows a unique quality; each has a unique style | 各有千秋
kok'iuo puttoong | each different | 各有不同
kok'iuo sor tioong | each one has his own gift (good point); each has a unique merit | 各有所長
kok'iuo zaisafnkiok | The Bureau of National Assets (under the Ministry of Finance) | 國有財產局
kok'iuo zaisarn | national assets | 國有財產
kok'iuo | nationally owned; state-owned | 國有
kok'iw | to be concerned over the nation; national mournful | 國憂
kok'iwte | nationalized land | 國有地
kok'ixn | official seal of national | 國印; 國璽
kok'kaizaan | all social strata | 各階層
kok'oaan | cabinet ministers | 閣員
kok'oe | Chinese painting | 國畫
kok'oong | a king; a monarch | 國王
kok'ui | everybody; ladies and gentlemen! | 各位
kok'un | the destiny of the nation; national destiny | 國運
kok'uo | rain for grain (the term that falls on or about April 20th) | 穀雨
kok'uy | national prestige | 國威
kok'viu | each and every style; all styles | 各樣
kok'y | Chinese herb doctor | 國醫
kok'ym | the sound system of the national language | 國音
kokseg-kok'viu | all sorts; kinds; varieties; various | 各式各樣
siukuy kok'iuo | nationalization of property; nationalize (enterprises) | 收歸國有

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