"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kor

ciøkor | to raise capital by floating shares; solicit shareholders; call for capital; go public | 招股
iøkor | a drum-shaped rattle (used by peddlers or as a toy); rattle-drum; small drum with a handle and two suspended beads; one on each side; which beat the drum when the handle is twisted | 搖鼓; 博浪鼓; 浪鼓; 搖鼓兒
kor lagzap | cobalt 60 | 鈷六十
kor zhek'ar | winnow un-hulled rice | 簸穀仔
kor | strong, firm, sturdy, secure, fixed, stubborn, render stable | 鼓; 估; 股; 古
loxng kor | drumming | 挵鼓
luii kor | drumming | 擂鼓
løkor | gongs and drums | 鑼鼓
løkor-tin | array of gong and drum | 鑼鼓陣
phahløkor | play gongs and drums | 打鑼鼓; 敲鑼鼓

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