bøo kuie jidzeeng | not many days ago. | 前幾天
khip'hied-kuie | a bloodsucker, a vampire | 吸血鬼
kuie huxsyn | possessed by demons | 鬼附身
kuie kafng | how many days? | 幾工
kuie kho'ar | several dollars | 幾箍仔
kuie | cunning; malicious; to cheat | 詭; 鬼
kuie'oaan | longan; dried longan | 桂圓
kvoar kuie | to expel the ghosts | 趕鬼
mxzay thvite kuie kyn tang | He doesn't know how heavy the heavens and earth are. ─ He doesn't know anything | 毋知天地幾斤重; 毋知天高地厚
pae'kuie? | which day of the week | 拜幾
putsuo-kuie | dirty, immoral person | 無死鬼; 不死鬼; 卑鄙的人
siangbixntøkuie | double-sided sword ghost | 雙面刀鬼
siin zhud kuie but | appear and disappear quite unpredictably like gods and demons | 神出鬼沒
siin-kuie | god and evil spirit | 神鬼
tekkøkuie | ghost which is very thin and tall; like a bamboo pole; very thin and tall fellow; a bean-pole | 長腿鬼; 瘦長的人
thaykøkuie | literally; a leprous devil; filthy; dirty; nauseous; nasty; indecent | 骯髒鬼
tiaotau-kuie | hanging ghost | 吊投鬼; 縊死
yn kuie jip theh | invite ghosts into one's home--employ a person who afterwards proves very injurious | 引狼入室
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