"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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ciaosiong-ky | a camera | 照像機; 照相機
citpox-ky | a loom | 織布機
hoatpøx-ky | radio transmitter | 發報機
hoattien-ky | dynamo, generator for electricity | 發電機
hoattong-ky | engine, motor | 發動機
hokte hokjiin ky | fortunate land has fortunate people living in it | 福地福人居
horng'viar-ky | a projector | 放影機
hvixkhafng e ky | have a ringing in the ears | 耳孔會機; 耳鳴
kafciab-ky | juicer, blender | 絞汁機; 果汁機
khok'ym-ky | a loud-speaker, a microphone | 擴音機
khoksefng-ky | public addressing system, loud-speaker | 擴生機; 擴聲機
khoksviaf-ky | public addressing system, loud-speaker | 擴聲機
khøky | science and technology | 科技
kiawpoan-ky | a concrete mixer, a mixer | 攪拌機
kileeng-ky | functional group | 機能機; 機能基
koahzhao-ky | mower | 割草機; 除草機
koanleeng-ky | (hoarhak) a functional group | 權能機; 官能基
ky puttek sit | when one is hungry; one is not particular about what he is going to eat (both literally and figuratively) | 飢無擇食
ky | measure word for pen | 枝; 吱; 支; 住; 發尖銳聲; 居; 機
ky-chiam'ii | muscle fiber | 肌纖維
køfciab-ky | fruit blender, fruit juicer | 果汁機
lefngkhiog-ky | cooling machine | 冷卻機
lefngkhix-ky | an air-conditioner | 冷氣機
liusefng-ky | a phonograph; gramophone | 留聲機
naixbie-khøky | nano technology | 納米科技; 奈米科技
phurnsia-ky | jet airplane | 噴射機
svakag-ky | deltoid (anatomy) | 三角巾; 三角肌
søefsvaf-ky | washing machine | 洗衫機; 洗衣機
thiok'ym-ky | gramophone, phonograph | 蓄音機
thiuzuie-ky | a water-pump | 抽水機
thuithoo-ky | bulldozer | 推土機; 推塗機
thøky | peach branch; used much for divination (it has great power over spirits; it is not proper to strike any one with a peach branch; since it may influence the soul so as to cause madness) | 桃枝
zhaihoong-ky | sewing machine | 裁縫機
zhwtai-ky | substitution group | 取代機

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