"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kym

boaa hof kym | polish smooth; brighten; burnish | 磨乎金
ciofnghak-kym | scholarship, fellowship | 獎學金
ciuzoarn-kym | money available for use | 周轉金; 週轉金
hwsud-kym | a pension, a compensation | 輔恤金; 撫恤金
iofnglør-kym | pension, annuity for the aged | 養老金
kiuozex-kym | relief money | 救濟金
kym paw giin | better outside than inside (said of wound healed but festering inside); tiles put over grass roof | 金包銀; 金玉其外敗絮其中
kym | gold | 金; 亮
kym-exhngf | this evening | 今下昏; 今晚
kym-expof | this afternoon | 今下埔; 今天下午
kym-extaux | this noon | 今下午
kym-søfsii | golden key | 金鎖匙
kym`ee | of gold; golden; glittery | 金的; 金色的
liutong-kym | revolving funds; working capital | 流動金
pøfhiarm-kym | insured amount | 保險金
pøfzexng-kym | bond, deposit, security money | 保證金
siuløkym | reward | 酬勞金
siøkym | burn mock paper in worship of the gods | 燒金; 燒金紙
tøkym | gold hunting | 淘金
uieløkym | monetary reward for a person's services; a bonus | 慰勞金
zwnpi-kym | reserve fund | 準備金

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