"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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au`laai | afterwords | 後來
bauh`laai | bid a contract | 貿來; 包下買來; 承攬來
boea`laai | afterwards; later | 尾來; 後來
bøea`laai | at the end; bought | 尾來; 到最後; 買來
bøexkhie`laai | won't come up | 未起來; 起無來
chviar be laai | unable to make someone come by invitation | 請無來
chymciaq laai | just arrived | 剛來
ciahkøq laai | Come again | 即擱來; 再來
cib'oar`laai | gather; assemble; collect | 集倚來; 聚集
ciøq`laai | borrow | 借來
goangoaan jii laai | come in an endless flow | 源源而來
goar laai | I come | 我來
gviauq-bøe khie`laai | unable to get up (from a lying position or bed) | 爬無起來
id`laai | first | 一來
iølaai iøkhix | swagger; along; swing to and fro | 搖來搖去
ji`laai | secondary | 二來
jib`laai | to come in | 進來
jip`laai | come on in; come in | 入來; 進來
jiqoar`laai | to close in; to press near | 壓過來; 壓倚來
juo-laai | more and more | 愈來
khah'oar`laai | come nearer | 較倚來; 靠過來一點
khie`laai | to get up, to raise up | 起來
khiuo`laai | pull toward you | 揪來; 拉來
khor cin kafm laai | The happy sunny days are coming after all the hardship endured | 苦盡甘來
khurnkhie`laai | rise from sleep | 睡起來
khvoax`laai | It seems, It appears | 看來
kiøx`laai | to call someone to come | 叫來
koex`laai | come | 過來
kuo`laai | over time | 久來
kuxnii-laai | the whole year | 整年來
køex`laai | to come over; to manage; to handle; to be able to take care of | 過來
laai | pear | 梨; 來
laai-putkip | too late; unable to make it in time; not enough time left to do it | 來無及
laai`ciar putku | grant favors to whoever asks | 來者無拒
laai`ciar | who came | 來者
laai`laq | coming | 來啦
lak`laai | grab | 轆來; 抓取而來
lau`laai | when one gets old | 年老; (時)
luo-laai luo-giamtiong | progressive; going from bad to worse | 漸劇; 越來越嚴重
luo-laai | more and more | 漸劇; 愈來
løh`laai | come down | 下來
neh oar`laai | squeeze in the hand | 捏緊
oadthaukoex`laai | turn around | 越頭過來
oar`laai | come over | 偎來
phie kek thaix laai | all things are smooth after hardship | 否極泰來
siw-bøextngr`laai | words cannot be recalled; (debts) cannot be collected | 收無回來
soafn`laai | came | 旋來
suilaang laai | coming forward one by one | 隨人來; 個別來
svef-bøexzhud`laai | unable to bring to birth | 生無出來
sviu-bøe khie`laai | unable to call to mind; cannot remember | 想未出來
sviu-bøe zhud`laai | unable to call to mind; cannot remember | 想未出來
sølaai | sneak in | 趖來
sølaai-søkhix | crawl or walk about here and there | 逛來逛去; 爬來爬去
thao-bøe khie`laai | unable to untie | 解無開
theh`laai | bring; fetch; take | 拿來
thiaukafng laai | having come of set purpose for a special object | 刁工來; 專程來
thør`laai | to demand, request | 討來
tiabtiap laai | coming over and over again | 常常來
tiaukafng laai | having come of set purpose for a special object | 專程來
tiauqtiauh laai | come (go) very frequently | 時常來; (去)
tid`laai | come straight | 直來
tngr`laai | come back | 回來; 返來
toax`laai | to bring | 帶來
toex`laai | follow | 綴來
tørpaw`laai | upside down | 倒包來
tøx`laai | came back | 到來
uii`laai | surround | 圍來
voa cidkux oe laai korng | in other words | 換句話說
voax khie`laai | get up late | 晏起來
zao`laai | came | 走來
zengsiin khie`laai | wake up | 精神起來; 醒過來
zhaa-bøe zhud`laai | cannot find out a fact; cannot check out a figure | 查無出來
zhud`laai | come out | 出來
zhuo`laai | to fetch, to bring | 取來
zoong`laai | rush | 奔來

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