"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: laam

Hølaam | Hunan province | 河南
laam pan lyzofng | disguised as a woman | 男扮女裝
laam sengkhw | pour water on one's self while bathing | 淋浴
laam tøx luo iu | left represents the male; the right represents the female (a popular concept); The male sits on the left side; female on the right | 男左女右
laam zwn luo py | discrimination against women | 男尊女卑
laam | to pour water; to coat metal; blue; indigo | 藍; 南; 男; 淋
laam-kaq tamloklog | soaked through by rain | 淋得濕透
laam-kexym | bass | 男低音
laam-koan'ym | tenor | 男高音; 男懸音
laam-pvoarkiuu | the Southern Hemisphere | 南半球
laam-tiong'ym | baritone | 男中音
laam-zheasor | men's room | 男廁所
laam-zwkag | the chief actor | 男主角
tafng-say-laam-pag | all directions | 東西南北
zhefng zhud uu laam | to surpass one's master or teacher in learning (Lit. Green comes from blue; but it excels blue.) | 青出於藍

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