"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: laang

Boafnciw-laang | Manchurian | 滿洲人
Bykog-laang | American | 美國人
Hoklør-laang | Fukienese | 福老人; 福建人
Hølør-laang | Hoklo people | 福佬人; 河洛人
Høxlør-laang | Fukienese | 福佬人; 福建人
Jiaw'oaf-laang | Javanese | 爪哇人
Khofngzwkofng mxkvar siw laang ee kehmii-thiab | Confucius did not dare accept an invitation for the next day. Tomorrow is very uncertain | 孔子公無敢收隔夜帖; (不知未來如何)
Taioaan-laang | Taiwanese person | 台灣人
Tekkog-laang | German | 德國人
Tiongkog-laang | Chinese person | 中國人
Tngsvoaf-laang | people in Taiwan came from China | 唐山人
angzerng-laang | redskin people | 紅種人
apzex laang | bring pressure to bear on a person | 壓制人
axm laang ee cvii | make secret unfair gains from another's money | 侵佔他人的錢
bad laang ee jinzeeng | know or understand the value of being grateful; know how to show gratitude | 識人的人情; 知恩
bad laang mxbad miaa | recognize a person but not remember his or her name | 認人無識名
bagkngf ee laang | man who can see; not blind | 目光的人; 能視的人
be`laang | sell 'to' someone | 賣人
bee`laang | fascinating; enchanting; charming; tempting | 迷人
bengpek ee laang | reasonable person; considerate person | 明白的人; 明理的人
boaa`laang | humiliate a person; put through privations to a person | 磨人; 折磨人
bofmih laang | Mr. So-and-so | 某某人
bofmih'laang | Mr. so-and-so | 某個人; 某物人
buu heng'uii lenglek ee laang | person without disposing capacity in law | 無行為能力的人
bølaang ginhaang | automatic teller machine; ATM | 無人銀行
bølaang koarn | no one takes care | 無人管; 自由
bølaang liuu | no one takes care | 無人溜; 自由
bølaang | not a soul | 無人
bølun symmih laang | no matter who; whoever | 無論甚麼人
bøo bin thafng kvix laang | feeling ashamed to see others because of some awkward; inconvenient; or shameful state of matters | 無臉見人
chiek liab'ar laang | press the matter from a boil | 搾瘡膿
chirnzhae laang | any person | 凊彩人; 任何人
chitthølaang | playboy; man of pleasure | 拭桃人; 流氓
chitthøo-laang | playboy | 拭桃人; 𨑨迌人; 遊盪人
chiw`laang | shame; timid | 羞人
chiwe ee laang | servants; underlings; subordinate | 屬下; 手下的人
chixlai-laang | oppidan | 市內人
chiørphoax laang ee zhuix | be overwhelmed with laughter; to roll with laughter | 笑破人的嘴
chviuo`laang | rob people, overcharge people | 搶人; 索價過高
ciah laang ee png | be in a man's employ; dependent on him | 吃人的飯; 受雇
ciah`laang | cheapting on people | 食人
ciappafn-laang | a successor | 接班人
ciaqzhaix-laang | vegetarian | 食菜人; 素食者
ciaxm laang ee bor | take possession of another man's wife | 佔人的某
citciorng laang | this kind of man | 這種人
ciøf`laang | marry with a woman and live with her family | 招人; 給人招贅
ciøq`laang | borrow people | 借人
cviaa laang-koaan | about as high as a man's height | 將近一人高; 近人高
ex`laang | infected someone | 穢人
exkviaf`laang | will be amazing | 會驚人
exng laang ee lixpien | to help people; to make things easier for people | 予人的利便
extitkøex ee laang | fairly well off (person) | 過得去的人
gea`laang | to glance at person; look askance at person; to look down person | 睨人
gee`laang | disgusting person; detestable person; annoying person | 睨人; 使人厭
giør`laang | give a contemptuous look to a person | 睨人; 瞟人一眼
go`laang | to cause injury or disadvantage to person; cause person to lose | 誤人
goaxkog-laang | foreigner, alien | 外國人
goaxpafng-laang | gentile | 外邦人
goaxserng-laang | person from another province | 外省人
gyn'ar-laang | children | 囡仔人; 小孩子
had`laang | scolding | 喝人; 罵人
hai`laang | to involve others in trouble; to harm or injure others | 害人
haixsie laang | bring great trouble to others; kill a person | 害死人
hib`laang | to oppress workers; a weak country or people; Lit. to cut off someone's breath | 翕人; 壓迫人
hit'ee-laang | that guy | 那個人
ho laang khurnjiao | pester | 使人困擾
ho laang thaau hiin | giddy | 使人頭眩
ho laang thøfiax | repugnant | 使人討厭
ho`laang | give away to others | 給人
hor`laang | to cheat people; deceive people | 詐人; 騙人
huxjiin-laang | wife; young married woman | 婦人人; 婦人家; 女人家
høfgiah-laang | rich people | 好額人; 有錢人
høfmia-laang | a person of good life | 好命人
høhør-laang | a healthy person | 好好人; 和好人
irn`laang | have promised others | 允人
ixn laang khaq-zharm khiaxm laang | You have to keep your word. (Lit. To promise someone something is more serious than for someone to owe you a debt.) | 答應他人比欠他人更嚴重
jiar laang zuobok | attract attention (especially undesirable attention) | 惹人注目
jiog`laang | chase people | 逐人
joah`laang | summer | 夏天; 熱人
kaw`laang | releasing people | 交人
keg`laang | stir up one's emotion | 激人
khaxng laang ee liab'afphie | put a man to shame by telling his secrets | 揭人瘡疤; 揭人的粒仔痞
khaxng laang ee zhaothauphie | put a man to shame by telling his secrets | 揭人瘡疤; 揭人的臭頭痞
khiaxm`laang | owe people | 欠人; 負債
khiesie laang | enough to vex a man to death | 氣死人
khiesie-laang | I'm furious! I'm so mad! | 氣死人
khngx`laang | exhort one to (do good) | 勸人
khvoax laang bøbagte | look down upon others | 看人無目地; 看無起人家
khvoax laang mxkhie | treat a person with contempt | 看人未起; 看無起人家; 瞧不起人
khvoax laang-thaubin | rely on others and have to watch their every expression | 看人頭面; 依賴他人
khøx`laang | rely on someone | 靠人
kiau laang | swear; curse (at people) | 罵人
kiedzhud ee laang | eminent person | 傑出的人
kioggoa ee laang | outsider | 局外之人
koae`laang | to kidnap a person; to abduct | 拐人
koaix`laang | to blame on someone else | 怪人
koaq`laang | give for others to sell | 割人; 批發給人
koarn`laang | to control and take care of a person | 管人
korng laang ee tngtea | criticize others; talk about the shortcomings of others | 說人長短
kviaf`laang | surprising; astonishing; startling; amazing; sensational; appalling | 驚人
kviasie laang | scare of people | 驚死人
kviasie-laang | Good Heavens! Oh, my! Horrors! | 驚死人; 嚇死人
kvix`laang | meet people | 見人
kvoa`laang | winter | 寒人
kvoaa`laang | winter | 寒人; 冬季; 冬天
kvoar`laang | to drive poeple out; to drive people away | 趕人
kwn`laang | follow a person (to do something) | 跟人
køealo-laang | passer-by | 過路人
laang tah laang | people gathered together in great numbers | 人踩人; 擁擠
laang | man; human being; mankind; person; people; others | 人; 膿
laang-khajiaq | footprint | 人腳印
laang`ee | other person's thing | 人的
lab`laang | to design to kill | 凹人; 陷害人
larn-laang | we; the human being | 咱人
leg`laang | to humiliate someone | 勒人; 折磨人
liah laang ee oexkud | quibble; catch one in an inconsistency | 挑人言語上的毛病
liah laang ee oexphang | take advantage of what a man says to confute him | 挑人言語上的毛病
loa laang | lay the blame on another | 誣賴人; 坑人
loa`laang | falsely accuse someone | 賴人
loah`laang | summer | 熱人
loea`laang | curse; scold | 詈人
lui`laang | iring; wearisome | 累人
løea`laang | curse | 罵人
løh laang ee kekaux | receive submissively the rule of the family she enters as a bride | 受人的家教
lør`laang | tall person | 高人
moaa laang ee bak | deceive other's eyes with some tricks | 瞞人的眼
muycidee laang | every man; each person; everybody | 每人; 每一個人
mxsi-laang | a beast; not a person | 毋是人; 人面獸心
ngx laang ee pangzo | idlers rely on other's help | 依賴他人幫助
ngzerng-laang | yellow race people | 黃種人
oafn`laang | afar people | 遠人
oar`laang | depending on others | 靠人
oay laang ee cvii | filch (defraud) other's money (property) | 騙別人的錢; (財產)
oex`laang | infect; contagious | 穢人; 傳染
og`laang | a wicked person | 惡人; 罵人
pak`laang | to contract out | 綁人
peg`laang | overawe | 逼人
pengsioong-laang | the average people | 平常人
peqzerng-laang | caucasian | 白種人
phaang laang ee pngxvoar | be a wife; be in another's house (either for protection or as a dependent) | 寄人籬下; 當人家的媳婦
phahtng laang ee oexpvex | cut short a man's talk; so that he does not gain his end | 插嘴; 打斷人的話
phaq-ho`laang | sells; transfer | 打給人; 出讓
phiak`laang | hit someone | 擊人
phiexn`laang | fool people | 騙人
phvy`laang | one-sided; to lean; to slant; prejudiced; inclined to one side | 偏人; 佔人便宜; 偏
pi laang khihu | be bullied by others | 被人欺負
piern laang ee cvii | cheat people out of money | 騙人的錢
piern`laang | cheap on someone | 變人
po laang hiøxtiin | follow another's footsteps | 步人後塵
poahcvii heeng laang | make an effort to get money to pay a debt; e.g.; taking money that was set aside for some less urgent purpose | 撥款還人
poe laang ee yn | act ungratefully towards a person | 背負人的恩惠
put'heng ee laang | misfortune people | 無幸的人
putsiu hoangeeng ee laang | unwelcome visitor; persona non grata | 無受歡迎的人
pvi'ar ee laang | bystanders | 邊仔的人; 旁人
pwn`laang | distribute to people, give a child for adoption | 本人; 分給人
pøx laang zay | inform a man | 告人知
senglieen-laang | adult | 生年人; 成年人
seviuu-laang | occidentals, westerners, European | 西洋人
siang laixbin ee laang | persons living in the same house | 同一家人
siaolieen-laang | young people | 少年人
sid`laang | real person | 實人
sie bølaang khaux | May you die with none to lament for you! | 死了沒人哭
sii`laang | dismissed | 辭人
simpag ee laang | trusted person; very intimate friend; confidential adviser | 心腹之人
svafmih laang | Who? | 什麼人; 誰
sviaa`laang | tempt; seduce; lure somebody | 眩人; 誘惑人
svihun-laang | stranger | 生份人; 陌生人
sw laang mxsw tin | its all right to be inferior to an individual but not to a whole group; Keep up with the Joneses | 無讓人後
sw`laang | behind; lost to people | 輸人
sybølaang | dead | 死無人
syloa`laang | scapegoat | 死賴人
søex`laang | rent to people | 細人; 稅人; 租給人
taau`laang | complained | 投人; 訴惡
tab`laang | answer people | 答人
tag`laang | everyone | 每人
tarn`laang | to wait for someone | 等人
tehsie laang | crush a man to death | 壓死人
tekzoe laang | offend a person | 得罪人
thagzheq-laang | literate person | 讀冊人; 讀書人
thagzw-laang | literate person | 讀書人
thaw`laang | cheat me, cheat a person | 偷人; 騙人
thaxm laang ee oexix | find out a man's meaning by apparently desultory talk | 探人的話意
thaxn laang ee viu | follow a man's example | 學人的樣子
thex laang siogzoe | atone for the sins of mankind | 替人贖罪
thiab laang ciah | pay for one's board | 搭伙
thitthølaang | man fond of low or licentious pleasures; a prostitute | 拭桃人; 流氓
thitthøo-laang | playboy | 拭桃人
thunciah`laang | to swallow up another's money or property wrongly; to belittle another person | 欺負人; 侵佔別人
thviax`laang | love somebody | 疼人
thøfhii-laang | fishermen | 討魚人; 漁夫
tiaux laang | call; convene; summon; solicit; recruit; call together | 召人
tiaw`laang | tease; make fun of | 刁人
tionglieen-laang | middle aged person | 中年人
titthøo-laang | playboy, man of pleasure | 拭桃人
tngf`laang | lay a trap for a man | 捕人; 以陷阱害人
toaxhaxn-laang | giant, large person | 大漢人; 巨人
toex laang kviaa | follow another; go along in company with others | 跟著人走
toex laang liuheeng | follow new fashions | 趕時髦
tok`laang | to poison people | 毒死人
tox`laang | infect people | 傳染別人
tuix laang bøextid køex | offend people; act so that men will blame; unable to justify one's action | 對人無得過
tviar`laang | threaten; intimidate; menace; imperil | 鼎人; 威嚇人
tøex`laang | follow people | 隨人
tør laang ee cvii | fail to pay a debt; either; as a bankrupt or just refusing to pay | 倒人的錢; 倒人的帳
tør laang ee siaux | fail to pay a debt; either; as a bankrupt or just refusing to pay | 倒人的數; 倒人的帳
ud laang ee jinzeeng | put on value on other's kindness | 抹殺人的好意
urn`laang | promise others | 允人
vixpafng-laang | gentile person, foreigner | 異邦人
zabor-laang | woman, wife | 查某人; 婦人妻
zabseg laang | many kinds of people | 雜色人; 各種人
zah laang ee oexthaau | interrupt a man when speaking; to cut short another's long story | 打斷人的話
zapof-laang | man | 查哺人; 查埔人; 男人
zekkek ee laang | very active person | 積極的人
zerngphaix ee laang | virtuous person | 正派的人
zhanzngf-laang | country-man; villager | 田庄人
zhaohvi-laang | deaf person | 臭耳人; 聾子
zhar`laang | bother a person by being noisy; hollering or requesting things; disturb someone | 擾人; 打擾人
zhar`sie-laang | make someone angry; annoy; bother; disturb; also used as a light swear word with the meaning; You are driving me nuts. (Lit. You are so disturbing it's killing me.) | 吵死人
zhat khaq-og laang | A thief becomes ferocious on being detected | 賊比失主還兇; 強詞奪理。
zhaux khazhngf kviaf laang ngf | afraid that one's own secret or fault will be disclosed | 怕人揭瘡疤。
zhawtøe-laang | country man, rustic | 草地人
zhoe laang ee khangphang | find fault with others; look for defects in others; watch for a chance | 找人孔縫; 別人的缺點
zhoe laang | look for someone; visit someone | 找人
zngkhaf-laang | country man | 莊跤人; 鄉下人
zngterng-laang | village people | 庄頂人
zoex`laang | matched | 做人; 配嫁
zof`laang | rented out | 租人
zvoa`laang | splash people | 濺人
zøo`laang | disturbing | 嘈人
zøx`laang | be a human being | 做人
øe kviaf`laang | cause people to scare | 會驚人
øex`laang | be contagious, be infectious | 穢人; 傳染
øexkviaf`laang | frightening | 能驚人
øh laang ee viu | follow the example of others | 學人的樣; 模倣他人
øh`laang | follow the example of; emulate | 學人; 效法

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