"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Khahkhix`leq | Step ahead a bit! | 較去咧; 過去一點
Khahlaai`leq | Come closer! | 較來咧; 過來一點
ai'ay`leq | cry a little | 哀哀著
ak'ag`leq | drench a bit | 澆澆水
am'afm`leq | cover well | 掩掩著
arnkhvoarbai`leq | try to press | 試按一下
at'ad`leq | just snap them one by one | 折折咧
au'aw`leq | put (clothes) under improper order | 拗拗咧
aw'ao`leq | fold up | 拗拗咧
bafnbarn`leq | pluck (those flowers) | 拔起來
batbad`leq | know well, can see well | 識識咧; 捌捌咧
boaboaa`leq | polish them a bit | 磨磨咧
boahboaq`leq | apply roughly | 抹抹咧
bongbofng`leq | touch a bit | 摸摸咧
bwbuo`leq | do a task irresponsibly or wieldy | 舞舞咧
bynbirn`leq | brush roughly | 刷刷咧
bøefbøea`leq | quickly buy them | 買買咧
bøexbøe`leq | sell roughly | 賣賣咧
chiangchiaang`leq | take a shower (bath) | 沖沖咧
chiauchiaau`leq | adjust, move to the proper place | 調調咧
chiauchiaw`leq | search, look for everywhere to find | 搜搜咧
chietchied`leq | eut into pieces, cut down | 切切咧
chirnchixn`leq | take a weight | 秤秤咧
chiuo phex`leq | arm in a sling | 手臂著
chix khvoarbai`leq | just try it | 試看覓咧
chiørchiøx`leq | after singing the song | 唱唱咧; 唱唱`leq; 笑笑咧; 笑笑`leq
chviarchviax`leq | after hired people | 請請咧; 僱僱咧
chviuochviux`leq | after singing a song | 唱唱咧
ciefnciern`leq | make hair-cut as usual | 剪剪咧
cimcym`leq | kiss a bit | 吻吻咧
cirmcixm`leq | soak into water for a while | 浸浸咧
ciøciøf`leq | inviting together | 招招咧
ciøhciøq`leq | after borrowing | 借借咧
ciøhkøex`leq | please let me passed | 借過咧
ciørciøx`leq | look into mirror, shine around | 照照咧
exng'eng`leq | after using | 用用咧
geagex`leq | gnaw roughly | 啃啃咧; 嚙嚙咧
gianggiafng`leq | let the bell clang | 鈴鈴咧
gimgiim`leq | sing a short song | 吟吟咧
gingiin`leq | after glaring | 瞪瞪咧
giwgiuo`leq | pull | 扯扯咧; 搝搝咧
gixmgim`leq | grasp lightly in hand | 擒擒咧; 扲扲咧
gvehgveq`leq | pick up here and there | 箝箝咧; 夾夾咧
gviauhgviauq`leq | pry up | 搔搔咧; ??咧
gvoehgvoeq`leq | pick up here and there | 箝箝咧
gvøehgvøeq`leq | pick up here and there | 箝箝咧
gøgøo`leq | whirl, revolve, go round in circle | 轉轉咧; 遨遨咧
hak'hag`leq | buy in bulk | 購購咧; (大量)
hengheeng`leq | return it obligingly | 還還咧
hied`leq | to set aside; to leave unattended | 丟置
hiuohiux`leq | shake off | 洒洒咧
hiøhhiøq`leq | let's stay tonight, let's take rest | 歇歇咧
hoexhoe`leq | argue to get what he wants | 會會咧; 多說清楚
huu`leq | to support or prop; to lean on | 扶住
hvaehvaix`leq | after swinging | 幌幌咧
hvafhvar`leq | after scared, after threaten | 唬唬咧
hvaihvay`leq | after crying | 哼哼咧
høexhøe`leq | apologize | 回回咧; 會會咧
ioxng'iong`leq | using or utilizing for nothing | 用用咧
irn'ixn`leq | answering or consenting only on the lips | 印印咧
iøh'iøq`leq | only guessing the problem | 猜猜咧
jiafngjiarng`leq | shout aloud | 嚷嚷咧
jiajiaf`leq | shade them with something | 遮遮咧
jiqjih`leq | press with hands | 壓壓咧; 揤揤咧
jirm`leq | endure | 忍著
jiujiuu`leq | clean up clothes, dishes with water and soaps back and forth | 柔柔咧
jøejøee`leq | rub (eyes, skin, etc.) | 揉揉咧; 挼挼咧
kafkar`leq | twist several turns | 絞絞咧
kakaf`leq | make summation | 加加咧; 鉸鉸咧
kamkaam`leq | hold in the mouth | 含著咧; 含含咧
kapkab`leq | prepare drugs | 合合咧
kaxka`leq | bite | 咬咬咧
kaykae`leq | correct them, change your habits | 改改咧
kefngkerng`leq | select out, choose (better ones) | 揀揀咧
khah`leq | adhere to | 卡住
khaikhay`leq | waste the wealth | 開開咧; 花光
khaq-zhutlat`leq | Exert yourself a bit more! | 多用力點; 較出力咧
kharkhax`leq | dial the telephone | 卡卡咧
kharmkhaxm`leq | cover the whole | 蓋蓋咧
kharngkhaxng`leq | scratch or scrape with nails | 揭揭咧
khatkhad`leq | scoop up | 舀舀咧
khaukhaw`leq | scratch, peel | 刮刮咧
khengkheeng`leq | tidy up, put in order (room) | 傾傾咧; 集集咧
khienkhiefn`leq | throw them away | 丟丟咧; 掔掔咧
khiernkhiexn`leq | make flavor by fire | 爆爆咧
khiøhkhiøq`leq | put in order (room), pick them up | 拾拾咧
khoafnkhoarn`leq | put in order | 款款咧; 收拾
khurnkhuxn`leq | after taking a nap | 睡睡咧
khvoarbai`leq | try; make a trial; to test | 看覓咧; 試試看; 看看
khwnkhurn`leq | bind them up | 綑綑咧
kietkied`leq | terminate the account | 結結咧
kix`leq | write down; memorize | 記著
kotiaau`leq | glued or pasted firmly | 糊住的; 黏住
kunkuun`leq | boil a while | 燉燉咧
kviakviaa`leq | walk around | 行行咧
laau y toax`leq | get him to stay longer | 留他住下
lafmlarm`leq | embrace | 攬攬咧
lalaf`leq | talk idly | 啦啦咧
laxla`leq | stir | 撈撈著
laxmlam`leq | mixing | 濫濫咧; 混在一起; 混合
leq | suffix | 著; 咧
leq`khuy | slit open (with a knife) | 裂開
liabliap`leq | pinch | 捏捏咧
liaqliah`leq | do massage; make an estimation | 掠掠咧
liarmliaxm`leq | pinch skin | 捻捻咧
lielix`leq | tear papers | 撕撕咧; 剺剺咧
lilii`leq | divorce her or him | 離離咧
limlym`leq | drink up | 飲飲咧; 啉啉咧
lixli`leq | filter the liquid | 離離咧
loafnloarn`leq | rub with the fingers | 揉一揉
niafniar`leq | go to receive it | 領領啦; 領領咧
ninii`leq | hang up cloths | 晾晾咧
niny`leq | pick up with fingers | 拿拿咧
noafnoar`leq | knead the wet clothes, rub | 揉揉咧; 撋撋咧
oexoe`leq | draw something, sketch | 畫畫咧; 劃劃咧
ofor`leq | dig a little | 挖挖咧
pakpag`leq | peal all off, tear off | 綁綁咧
pea`leq | block or hinder | 攔住
phagphak`leq | dry them in the sun | 晒晒咧
phahphaq`leq | beat, strike | 打打咧
phoee pvef khaq-aan`leq | tighten your skin in preparation for a beating | 準備挨打
phurnphuxn`leq | sprinkle, spout | 噴噴咧
phutphud`leq | cut them with swords | 砍砍咧
phø`leq | hold in one's arms; to embrace; holding in one's arms | 抱著
phøeaphøex`leq | mate, dispatch, send | 配配咧
punpuun`leq | blow slightly | 吹吹咧
punpwn`leq | distribute, divide them, give a share of | 分分咧
putpud`leq | scrape up, rake together, gather up | 耙起來
pviaf`leq | no more use; put away | 丟置
pviarpviax`leq | clean up (room) | 拼拼咧
pvoaxpvoa`leq | whisk; flick | 拂一拂
pøefpøea`leq | drive away (fly, dust) | 拂拂咧; 掰掰咧
pøexpøe`leq | toast in a pan | 賠賠咧; 焙焙咧
saysae`leq | after driving a person so hard, after using a man rudely | 使使咧
sngfsngr`leq | just in fun, flirt with, play pranks, for joke | 玩玩咧
sngrsngx`leq | roughly count | 算算咧
sviu khaq-khuy`leq | Don't take it (failure; misfortune) too seriously. Cheer up! | 想開
sviu khvoarbai`leq | try to call to mind; think over again | 想想看
tarn`leq | just a second | 等咧
thad`leq | stopped up; blocked up | 塞住
ti`leq | present | 正在; 佇咧
tixm khvoarbai`leq | try to weigh by poising on the hand (one thing or comparing the weight of two things) | 量量看; (用手)
tng'ar thad`leq | intestinal obstruction | 腸仔塞咧; 腸阻塞
toxng`leq | stop | 擋咧
un'wn`leq | warm up | 溫溫咧
uo'ux`leq | lightly touch with it | 沾沾咧
urn'uxn`leq | apply a little soybean sauce | 沾沾咧
ut'ud`leq | iron the clothes; bend or fold them | 熨熨咧
zhegzhek`leq | move backward and forward | 甩一甩; (含有上下甩勻之意)
øe'øef`leq | do push, jostle, play, grind | 擠擠咧; 挨挨咧

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